06-22-2021, 09:06 AM
(06-22-2021, 05:55 AM)schubert Wrote: anthony williams has talked about how cold water shocks and lowers your immune system, and also ages you quicker. here's the clip: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CJe5cRVJ8tu/. when you shock your body with cold water you trigger your adrenaline and people feel good afterwards because they're on an adrenaline high. he's seen with women that after doing cold water, a few weeks later their symptoms get worse because it lowered their immune system and viruses built back up. i love wim hof and think he's a great guy but nobody really seems to be aware of these issues.
There is a difference between cold exposure and just jumping into an ice bath. How you go about these things matters as much as anything else. Anyone who thinks they can jump straight into doing ice man stuff and NOT get sick is the crazy one. Daily ice baths are traditional in a lot of Russia and other Scandinavian countries. They attribute a lack of colds and flus to the daily ice baths. But these cultures grow up doing these things from the time they are children and they are acclimated to it.
Coming from a profession that works outside I can attest that when you are outside daily for most of the day, the heat and cold are not a big deal. However when you go from being inside all the time and then have to go out all day on a 90 degree Fahrenheit day (32 celsius) or a 25 degree day (-4 celsius) then the chances of becoming ill from the heat or cold dramatically increase.
What I think most of the benefit comes from regarding the immune system is building the bodies resilience thru acclimation to changing temperature. This takes time and can't be done in a day.