This is a quote from Alice Bailey's book, Esoteric Astrology:
Bailey seems to be describing, in different words, the process of graduation from third to fourth density.
Alice Bailey has been mentioned previously on this forum:
Quote:When the task of Saturn and of Mercury has been accomplished, then during the third
decanate, Venus, which is the union of heart and mind, will usher in the long hoped for era of
love-wisdom, of brotherhood and of expressed brotherly relationships. Opportunity—
Illumination—Brotherhood: these are the gifts that Shamballa is planning to confer upon
mankind during the Aquarian Age, if man will but prepare for them, accept them, and use them.
Only the future will make clear man's reaction.
Bailey seems to be describing, in different words, the process of graduation from third to fourth density.
Alice Bailey has been mentioned previously on this forum: