06-05-2021, 05:47 AM
There is a tendency in society to think of spirituality as childish fantasies, and of the mainstream material world as serious and important. It's true that some spiritual teachings can appear childish, but there are two (at least) things that the mainstream atheists overlook: 1) their own material bypassing and 2) the fact that spiritual teachings are often esoteric and need to be interpreted correctly to reveal the true meaning.
By material bypassing I mean what I mentioned in a previous post, that mainstream society clings to a shallow material surface and non-intelligent view of reality. I myself had that view pretty much previously. Now it occurred to me that it's the mainstream view that is childish and cartoonish! What is needed is to start looking at spiritual teachings such the Ra material and reconnect with the spiritual in life. Religions can be useful too but there is a danger of getting stuck in lukewarm versions of the main religions which have become very much stuck in material bypassing themselves.
By material bypassing I mean what I mentioned in a previous post, that mainstream society clings to a shallow material surface and non-intelligent view of reality. I myself had that view pretty much previously. Now it occurred to me that it's the mainstream view that is childish and cartoonish! What is needed is to start looking at spiritual teachings such the Ra material and reconnect with the spiritual in life. Religions can be useful too but there is a danger of getting stuck in lukewarm versions of the main religions which have become very much stuck in material bypassing themselves.