05-10-2021, 12:49 PM
Is the Christ stream in combat with the Antichrist stream? I realized that, no, the law is One. This means that there actually is only one stream. So instead it must be the Veil that makes it appear as if they are two separate streams.
And this means that there must also be only one stream within oneself. So I will change my practice of separating body-mind tensions from heart awareness into a single stream practice. I will try surrender! The ego hates surrender, haha. The ego surrendering is also a false division since the ego is also a part of the one stream. There is however a division experienced by the ego, so surrendering that division is to surrender an illusion.
And this means that there must also be only one stream within oneself. So I will change my practice of separating body-mind tensions from heart awareness into a single stream practice. I will try surrender! The ego hates surrender, haha. The ego surrendering is also a false division since the ego is also a part of the one stream. There is however a division experienced by the ego, so surrendering that division is to surrender an illusion.