05-07-2021, 11:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-07-2021, 11:57 AM by Sacred Fool.)
Just trying to add a bit to the dialogue, I would note that intellect is but one facet of mind...or one could choose to look at it that way. Mind as an whole is an indispensable element in spiritual evolution as it informs the upwelling creative energies as to the form they will take, as shaped by you as mini-Creatrix (or sub-sub logos, if you prefer). For example the upwardly drawn energies are constructed into your body as they are shaped by your mind. ("The body is a creature {created thing} of the mind.")
Intellect, Q'uo says someplace, is a function of the orange and yellow ray energy centers which allow us to navigate through the illusion. Deeper parts of the mind function through different chakras and inform of things transcendent of--or transcendent of, but mixed up with--the illusion. And our ability to navigate in our lives using these veiled energies is very much a hit-or-miss affair because out attunement to them is irregular at best....due to the veil.
Experientially, this means that I can sometimes perceive subtle stuff, but sometimes cannot. A good example is that the more personal a matter is, the more stake you have in the outcome, the harder it is to read. (Ergo, many or most psychics go to other psychics for readings, just as most doctors go to other doctors for medical treatment.) I would say this is one possible description of what that moonlight business is about. It's a poetic sort of way of describing the challenges operating via spirit (which is the goal of the aspirant) when everything keeps coming into focus and going out of focus in an unpredictable fashion.
One advantage of the moonlight metaphor, parenthetically, is that it allows for a description of a subsequent phase of developement where the aspirant begins to see, not by external light, but is illumined from within. But that's another story.....
Good night.