05-06-2021, 02:27 PM
(05-05-2021, 03:53 PM)dreamoftheiris quoting Ra Wrote: The intellect alone cannot tell what is true. Those who experience an awakening, who meet the Potentiator of the Spirit, often find themselves immersed in what they believe is the truth, but is merely a simulacrum of truth.
Here's a much more fleshed out, so to speak, description of mind in the context, not of Experience of the Spirit, but from the perspective of how it functions within the illusion.
Quote:J: Yes, Q’uo, I have one further query. Would it be approximately correct to say that the mind is constituted by concepts in a way analogous to the body being constituted by atoms? If so, can you say more? If not, can you say what is incorrect?
Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that your analogy is quite apt and perceptive, for your mind, indeed, is composed of a great deal of concepts that are received from each of your five senses, as well as from those inner intuitive senses that give you a feeling for that which the five senses give you the information. The body, being the physical vehicle that carries you about in your illusion, is composed of those various cells of skin, of ligament, of blood, of tissue, and so forth, which allow a functioning upon the physical level, so that the mind may be able to move about within your third-density illusion and gather information that will allow it to function in a similarly balanced, progressive, and expansive fashion, so that there is the ability of the seeker to continue to gather information and furnish the various portions of the mind complex with the kind of evaluation of experience, or catalyst, shall we say, that will be useful in the long run of the incarnational process.
Thus, the mind has various levels of storage of information that may be analogous to the various kinds of fluids and functioning of the body complex that allows the movement of the blood throughout the body to refurnish the energy of the physical sense, the mind has its ability to circulate various concepts and combinations of concepts that allow the seeker of truth to be revitalized by new information or new combinations of old information that have now been seen in a broader sense, or a deeper sense.
The mind, while not clearly seeing Spirit, is an indispensable tool for spiritual growth, ironically enough, because it is the mind which helps define and organize the ways in which we interact with Spirit, because what we get is most often what we seek, and seeking has a whole lot to do with mind.
The reason I got started with this post is the observation that, although the putative subject of this thread is "Experience of the Spirit," so far no one has offered up much about their experience of the Spirit; rather, it's been a largely intellectual discussion of symbolic stuff instead of experience. I'm wondering if anyone's experience of Spirit sheds any useful light upon the symbolic stuff, or the other way around?