Progressing towards density is similar to spawning to another level inside a game.
Actually at any time there's always the option of:
Game Administrator (GA): "Welcome back! I hope you had an exciting experience on your last incarnation, how may I help you?"
Player: "I've used up all of my allocated karma allowance from my father for this game, I would like to disable my account, I'm logging off from this game permanently"
GA: "We can certainly help you with that! Here you go! And congratulations! You have achieved what according to Ra as 8th density and what is known as "Mokhsa" in Hindu tradition and what is known as "Pari Nirvana" in Buddhist tradition".
Actually at any time there's always the option of:
Game Administrator (GA): "Welcome back! I hope you had an exciting experience on your last incarnation, how may I help you?"
Player: "I've used up all of my allocated karma allowance from my father for this game, I would like to disable my account, I'm logging off from this game permanently"
GA: "We can certainly help you with that! Here you go! And congratulations! You have achieved what according to Ra as 8th density and what is known as "Mokhsa" in Hindu tradition and what is known as "Pari Nirvana" in Buddhist tradition".