05-03-2021, 02:57 PM
The main difference between a STO SMC and ordinary collectives is as I understand Ra the green ray activation.
That might seem like a small difference but it's huge! Without green ray activation it would be like a colony of bacteria trying to form a multicellular organism. They can't do it. At most they will form a biofilm.
For human collectives it means that no matter how spiritual a community is, without green ray activation it will still just be a bunch of egos clashing with each other such as at the hint of a financial problem.
Quote:"Questioner: I just meant was it possible, say, for a green-ray… when we’re talking about green-ray activation and energy transfers, is it possible for a green-ray person who is primarily green-ray activation to vary on both sides of green ray a large or a small amount in energy activation, or does he stay primarily green-ray?
Ra: I am Ra. We grasp the newness of material requested by you. It was unclear, for we thought we had covered this material. The portion covered is this: the green-ray activation is always vulnerable to the yellow or orange ray of possession, this being largely yellow ray but often coming into orange ray. Fear of possession, desire for possession, fear of being possessed, desire to be possessed: these are the distortions which will cause the deactivation of green-ray energy transfer.
The new material is this: once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practice largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarized and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray." - Law of One 32.14
That might seem like a small difference but it's huge! Without green ray activation it would be like a colony of bacteria trying to form a multicellular organism. They can't do it. At most they will form a biofilm.
For human collectives it means that no matter how spiritual a community is, without green ray activation it will still just be a bunch of egos clashing with each other such as at the hint of a financial problem.