04-24-2021, 12:58 PM
(04-24-2021, 08:25 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: The emanations seem to vaguely fit the description of Logos, sub Logos, sub sub Logos.
As a fractal system branches off further from the origin point, it becomes more numerous. As described in the link that Aeons become more numerous.
This material seemed to have been channeled by John or some other person, similar to Revelations. Thus it did not even make sense to the people back then.
"Ra: I am Ra. This can happen. The possibilities are infinite. Thus a Logos may create what you call a star system or it may be the Logos creating billions of star systems. This is the cause of the confusion in the term galaxy, for there are many different Logos entities or creations and we would call each, using your sound vibration complexes, a galaxy."
This makes the term galaxy sound more like "pocket universe". A dimension personally created by a god or set of gods, of which there are many, numerous and diverse in power and distance from Prime Source.
"Ra: I am Ra. This planetary Logos is a strong Logos creating approximately two hundred fifty billion [250,000,000,000] of your star systems for Its creation. The, shall we say, laws or physical ways of this creation will remain, therefore, constant."
Busy worker I see.
"Strong" is amazing... for a "planetary" Sub Logos to create two hundred fifty billion STAR SYSTEMS?
Planetary and "star system" can also go into the "galaxy redefinition bin". Human concepts are disposable and also inaccurate.
Fundamentally, what is the Earth and what is the universe?
That is a KING OF THE UNIVERSE, as described in Hebrew scriptures. To think that there are even more Logos, above the planetary Logos, the mind of the human begins breaking down at that point.
Quote:Who is Melchizedek? How many Melchizedek priest are there? What is Melchizedek purpose in soul development? What density is Melchizedek? Is Melchizedek present now or will be present again upon this earth? Does Melchizedek belong to your groupsoul Density?
What are some rituals you perform? Can a 8th Density goup soul seperate a piece of it into an indivuated soul and manifest in this here material place?
I am very much aware that it was Melchizedek who blessed Abraham the father of eventually 3 of the worlds primary religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam all originated from an Idol maker in Babylon who heard "God" and met Melchizedek along the way. Thus, changing the course of spiritual development of humanity. No single person who ever existed upon the face of humanity ever, has had a larger reaching effect on humanity. It started with Melchizedek, blessing and a simple ritual. most do not know this but it was first Melchizadek that perfomed the modern ritual known today and performed by BILLION'S (with a B) of christians around the world, Communion. The ritual of breakng bread and whine is performed by Milchizedek in Gensus 14:18. That single event, did more to influence humanity than any other single event.
A: "Starseed" is a common term used to refer to individuals such as this. You yourself may be one, but we will get to that later.
There are few "priests" or acolytes of Melchizedek active. His purpose was to serve as a Catalyst to compel the peoples of Earth to progress spiritually and come to know and experience the Creator. A very pure, crystalline purpose. He was an individuated soul directly from the eighth density of experience, the density of complete reunification with the Creator. Many individuals who either initially circumvent the orthodox transition between densities, or progress through them all, return to act either as he did or to experience individuated being more simply, without thinking themselves to be bound by orthodox tradition. Individuals like him are present now.
Melchizedek and I are not technically of the same groupsoul as we have come to discuss them in this thread. He was - like all others, ultimately - an individuated soul directly derivative of the Creator. However, like myself, he did not intend to adhere to the orthodox transition among densities this time around. This is an option to all of us, most simply do not remember.
Q: Is it possible that a soul that has of complete the journey to the creator and be sent to earth to observe and correct mistakes made by other density beings only to return directly back to the creator. Like a special agent, of the Creator to bare witness to the process and correct any wrongs? Imbued with all the abilites of the highest order?
A: This is indeed possible. Any individuated soul may endeavor differently than what is provided by the orthodox Graduation system of incarnation. As such, it may incarnate directly from ultimate reunification with the Creator - the eighth and final density of experience to my knowledge - to individuated being wherever it so chooses. It is afforded a greater ease in circumventing the Veil of Forgetfulness, as well as in Creative actualization.
In the Law of One (i have read it over 10 times and know it quite well, but also do not subscribe to its diatribe.) There is no one book in all the World that contains all or the absolute truth, and personally i would rather think for myself. And be lead to by the Divine.
At the beginning there is a moment where there is a pause/comotion between forces. at the very beginning there is clearly opposing forces both making an effort to chanel. There is clearly a differnt presence being channeled at the start other than Ra. The pause and then Ra seemingly takes over. It is subtle, but noticeable. Who was the other entity?
Once Ra takes over, Ra says clearly at the beginning i am Ra, We are not of love and light but are here to instruct you in its ways. How can what is not of something, be able to instruct anyone in any shape or form about the nature and ways Love and Light?
A: When an incarnated soul opens itself to channeling, many entities will attempt to make contact. It takes a great deal of effort on both sides to maintain a steady "connection." From personal experience, this is overwhelmingly exhausting if done for prolonged periods of time in quick succession.
I am not aware of the particular entities attempting to make contact through channeling in place of Ra.
Ra says they are not of Love and Light to clarify they were not presently beholden to the density of experience in which those are the polarities. Note that they were mentioning only this, not the fundamental substrates and Law that compose the Creator and the Creation.
Q: A personal note, an honest dislcosure and some personal questions for me, as i was compelled to ask. Nobody has ever been able to answer these questions.
little while before the harvest happened, around 2008. is when i became "awaken" or activated. And, it really scared the s*** out of me to be honest. Simple thoughts would be made manifest, and then even larger thoughts. . I could see peoples energy signiture, i became very very intuitive, unmatchedd by any i have ever met anywhere on the net or in life. That is a fact! I knew all earth movements, all events in advance and it is around that time i begain to devour everything i could find on the internet about spiritual texts, ancient manuscripts etc. Although, i knew so many things that were in some texts EVEN the Law of One. Without ever reading them!!!! I actually had someone direct me to the Law of One because i was quoting some parts of it verbatium without ever knowing it existed. I mean i was preaching the talimud on a forum verbatim and i had no idea what the talmud was or that what I was saying was in anything previously written. How could i know this stuff??? And a seemingly over night.
A: It is indeed possible you decided to circumvent the orthodox incarnation experience of density Graduation and instead incarnated directly from the eighth density of experience without any "strings attached," if you will. As such, awakening to your nature and purpose here within incarnation, even if done unintentionally, can open you to a slew of experience and knowledge of which you may not have been consciously aware, before.
Like I mentioned above, the term "starseed" commonly refers to individuated souls of this nature. It may be the case that you have recently "awakened" to the nature of your purpose and presence here.
A personal question: why did this happen to me? Was it part of the harvest process? It was around 2008. What did i do, what ritual did i mistakenly do, to have this happen to me? Why do we have to experiance this alone?
I was just an ordinary Christian dude who did construction and went to church every sunday and didnt question reality at all. Then one day, i found this site, and a few others. I didnt post here for a couple years. Just watched then in 2008 all this the above happend.
I still have all these abilities but i have learned to control them much much better. I only use them when called by the Divine to do so. I have never, met anyone like me with my abilities. I have never charged money for the things i see and i have never recieved any compensation for helping anyone find their way.
A: The nature of awakening and all that it entails must be undergone alone as most that incarnate in the first place wish to do so differently than you - they wish to experience what the orthodox system of Graduation density may entail.
If any of this resonates with you, and if it were my position to do so, I would recommend a retreat of sorts. Take time for yourself, your passions, your soul callings and urges, and indulge in them to the fullest. Come to know and experience the Creator within and without. Then, once the fog clears, act as you have learned to be your path.
If you wish for a more thorough and in-depth conversation on this point, I would ask for a private message.
-The Era QA https://alastair.games/eracidni.html
Excellent delve into the material by S Fool, I would mention, up above.
Edit add 1 https://www.salrachele.com/webchanneling...ypart1.htm
I dont know the founders but the name fits.
Thanks to everyone who posted so far. A lot of good answers and great perspectives to take in and contemplate. This second link here about Founders resonates strongly and exactly corresponds to Lyssa Royal Holt's material on founders and early galactic history. Even up to the part of the first 3d organisms only starting 100 million years ago. The weird thing with that is Ra having lived billions of years ago in 3d, but I think it was part of some type of different larger cycle that was completed, who knows.
Another thing loosely related if anyone knows, it's bugging me because I can't remember what thread. I think somebody once raised the question if 7d and 8d ever "wander" into 3d. I believe there was a response to a link from a Confederation source saying that yes it's possible and happens.