She eventually did mention a lot of the things black dragon was talking about, with the negative path.
From the Lemurian scrolls, the plant like density bodies people were using, seemed like 4th-5th density. They were basically using gold and plant type natural energies to create altars/bodies in which higher density maha devas (great gods) could incarnate to guide them. These maha devas would incarnate, and then leave behind the "food offerings" that they energy controlled as their body when speaking in that world. So this was not a normal 3rd den incarnation. This was more like "teleportation". Or even pure Avatar movie stuff. This would be during the Golden Age, the Sat Yuga, of Lemuria. As they ate denser and denser matter foods, instead of veggie shoots and fruits, their vibration levels got harder and more immobile over time. Some even incarnated into animal flesh and got "stuck". They forgot they were higher density entities, because the animal body was too low energy wise. It is like someone logging 36 hours straight in a game raid and forgetting that they have a body that needs sleep/food/water.
I don't feel I have any direct connection to Atlantis, although Lemuria feels vaguely more familiar. Vaguely.
I am verifying this information by linking to the akashic records, and receiving telepathic promptings. Or in other words, using the heart to feel whether the info is true or not. Heart and indigo mind.
From the Lemurian scrolls, the plant like density bodies people were using, seemed like 4th-5th density. They were basically using gold and plant type natural energies to create altars/bodies in which higher density maha devas (great gods) could incarnate to guide them. These maha devas would incarnate, and then leave behind the "food offerings" that they energy controlled as their body when speaking in that world. So this was not a normal 3rd den incarnation. This was more like "teleportation". Or even pure Avatar movie stuff. This would be during the Golden Age, the Sat Yuga, of Lemuria. As they ate denser and denser matter foods, instead of veggie shoots and fruits, their vibration levels got harder and more immobile over time. Some even incarnated into animal flesh and got "stuck". They forgot they were higher density entities, because the animal body was too low energy wise. It is like someone logging 36 hours straight in a game raid and forgetting that they have a body that needs sleep/food/water.
I don't feel I have any direct connection to Atlantis, although Lemuria feels vaguely more familiar. Vaguely.
I am verifying this information by linking to the akashic records, and receiving telepathic promptings. Or in other words, using the heart to feel whether the info is true or not. Heart and indigo mind.