They don't penetrate the archetypes. They live through them and become them. Thus the Major Arcana are not abstract art pictures they try to decipher, but real life quests, experiences, traumas, and other things they acquire through fate (the pre incarnation life planning).
By obtaining this experience, it gives them an easier time of relating to these archetypes, because there is no need for intellectual knowledge. The Campbell look at a Hero with a THousand Faces, is very useful in relating archetype experience/pictures to the human experience.
Every single Major Arcana, major secret, has been in my life, with a few exceptions for the more vague card pictures. The picture I focus on changes according to my current life experiences.
While it does not go in order as in the archetype handbook, there is indeed a plot/story that is being linked together, starting from The Choice 0.
By obtaining this experience, it gives them an easier time of relating to these archetypes, because there is no need for intellectual knowledge. The Campbell look at a Hero with a THousand Faces, is very useful in relating archetype experience/pictures to the human experience.
Every single Major Arcana, major secret, has been in my life, with a few exceptions for the more vague card pictures. The picture I focus on changes according to my current life experiences.
While it does not go in order as in the archetype handbook, there is indeed a plot/story that is being linked together, starting from The Choice 0.