Do you remember Parsons? He is one of the moderators there.
Ymarsakar is correct in that much gets removed there that is not on topic with the LOO material. I know someone else who is a member here who had a post removed for her live streaming on the LOO, so there is no tolerance for any sort of advertising.
Also to bear in mind is that considering the amount of members (over 12k) and the nature of FB posting, it is a difficult place to keep in line with its purpose.
Ymarsakar is correct in that much gets removed there that is not on topic with the LOO material. I know someone else who is a member here who had a post removed for her live streaming on the LOO, so there is no tolerance for any sort of advertising.
Also to bear in mind is that considering the amount of members (over 12k) and the nature of FB posting, it is a difficult place to keep in line with its purpose.