(03-22-2021, 05:53 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: Therefore, it is possible to only know, by your own level of consciousness, to know only joy and not despair.
If that's the case then even a finite conception of "joy" will not be defined.
One might experienced it, but it doesn't know that it's "Joy".
As for every 'finite' concept let's say "A", a border / limit is defined, thus it can be deduced that it is "A" or it's not "A".
Continuing what Ymarsakar has described above.
Even the word "Joy" have multiple meanings..
The feeling when one bought a new Porsche car, one may call it "Joy"
The feeling when one bought a new iPhone, one may call it "Joy"
But the word and conception of "Joy" above does not have the same meaning as "Ananda".
Sadhguru gives the metaphor for the feeling of "Ananda" here is the feeling one get when he/she/it experienced a dreamless deep sleep.
While Ymarsakar uses the word of "unencumbered state".
Both words (Ananda and unencumbered state) are close in meanings.
In relative the the description of "Joy" of having bought a new iPhone.
Ananda is not that kind of joy.