Quote:...I am Yom. I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. We are most pleased to be called to this group. We have never used this instrument. There is a good reason for not using this instrument. This instrument is very ill equipped to speak in scientific language.
I find this strange, for if an entity can clearly talk through someone in a trance state then they can surely say anything that the instrument does not understand (because that's the point of communicating). Maybe it's a limitation of lexicon that is required by that particular connection, but I still wonder why. (I understand why conscious channeling is a whole other ballgame as discussed)
I personally know of an (ex)channeler who would completely go into a trance (complete take over without remembering), could draw and speak of things she had never heard before and had no understanding of. In fact she was a high school dropout with 9th grade literacy and was very sheltered from a highly abusive background. She had never had any spiritual practices, and was very unhealthy until she received energetic healing. The notes and messages relayed were very complicated and many instances got independently verified with scientific, historical and occult sources later on. Ultimately a high price was payed and dark forces took notice and tricked her down a wrong path, and she since burned her bridges, including her 'divine powers' (like the light got too intense for her vibrational state and she burned out). So maybe it's dependent on both the entity and the channeler, but I would think as long as a word could be pronounced, it could be relayed, just as she clumsely drew things she had no previous knowledge of (looked like a child's drawing).