unity100 Wrote:i dont know any such thing, for such a situation does not exist.
egyptian is still being spoken as official language of coptic church in all the masses they hold wherever they are :
Now you have really exhibited your ignorance on the matter. Let me try and help you out again:
Quote:Thomas Young was one of the first to attempt decipherment of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, basing his own work on the investigations of Swedish diplomat Åkerblad, who built up a demotic alphabet of 29 letters (15 turned out to be correct) and translated all personal names and other words in the Demotic part of the Rosetta Stone in 1802. Åkerblad however, wrongly believed that demotic was entirely phonetic or alphabetic. Young thought the same, and by 1814 he had completely translated the enchorial (which Champollion labeled Demotic as it is called today) text of the Rosetta Stone (he had a list with 86 demotic words). Young then studied the hieroglyphic alphabet and made some progress but failed to recognise that demotic and hieroglyphic texts were paraphrases and not simple translations. In 1823 he published an Account of the Recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphic Literature and Egyptian Antiquities. Some of Young's conclusions appeared in the famous article Egypt he wrote for the 1818 edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica.
When Champollion, in 1822, published his translation of the hieroglyphs and the key to the grammatical system, Young and all others praised this work. Young had indicated in a letter to Gurney that he wished to see Champollion acknowledge that he had made use of Young's earlier work in assisting his eventual deciphering of hieroglyphics. Champollion was unwilling to share the credit even though initially he had not recognized that hieroglyphics were phonetic[citation needed]. Young corrected him on this, and Champollion attempted to have an early article withdrawn once he realized his mistake[citation needed]. Strongly motivated by the political tensions of that time, the British supported Young and the French Champollion. Champollion completely translated the hieroglyphic grammar based in part upon the earlier work of others including Young. However, Champollion maintained that he alone had deciphered the hieroglyphs. After 1826, he did offer Young access to demotic manuscripts in the Louvre, when he was a curator. Baron Georges Cuvier (1825) credited Champollion's work as an important aid in dating the Dendera Zodiac.
The Coptic language is a descendant of the Egyptian language, spoken by a tiny minority in Egypt. More than 90% speak Arabic. Are you familiar with Evolutionary linguistics? What influence do you think the Arabic had/have, spoken by the majority. Hmmm? Do you speak Shakespearean English?
My mother tongue is a descendant of the Dutch language, still spoken today in Amsterdam, and we were only separated for 400 years. Do you think we understand the Dutch today? With great difficulty, and that is only 400 years, not to mention millennia. That black and white thinking of yours again, remember there are shades of grey.
unity100 Wrote:your evidence apparently, conveniently missed the 'master-servant' part of the issue.
Something tells me you will argue with great finesse that the sky is actually green, and not blue like we all thought.
unity100 Wrote:with your logic these also hold true :
apparently there were giants in britain in middle ages too then.
moreover, apparently jesus/apostles were also giants :
Something also tells me there is a big possibility that you are going to argue next that giants in fact never existed, that it was a metaphor, despite worldwide archaeological evidence of colossal skeletal remains.
Oh wait, it must be a conspiracy! Those pesky conspiracy theorists!
Remember about the elephant in the living room.