03-15-2021, 07:08 PM
Compounds put into the physical body can do a lot of things, and that's why I'm wary of big pharma, but...I don't see how they can keep anybody in victim/aggressor mode if the cognitive, intuitive, and spiritual functions wish to operate on a higher paradigm. I'm talking just on a normal basis, not even considering adepts who have mastered "mid over body" techniques and the ability to alter and enhance their own DNA. These are the things preventing or allowing one from transcending victim/aggressor mode: emotional, cognitive, and spiritual factors, not some foreign agent put into your 3d physical body...all in an effort to keep us from what...harvesting? Choosing a 4d positive timeline? Well, in case anyone missed the memo...
Believing a simple injection(though it could indeed have health ramifications) can spiritually control somebody is actually putting oneself in victim mode, straight up.
Believing a simple injection(though it could indeed have health ramifications) can spiritually control somebody is actually putting oneself in victim mode, straight up.