03-05-2021, 04:54 PM
(03-05-2021, 12:57 PM)dreamoftheiris Wrote: I'm working on a video about the body archetypes right now actually. Here's my youtube channel with some other videos about the energy centers and the archetypes of the mind.
I look at the archetypes from the point of view of initiation.
In my view, the archetypes of the body can be seen as analogous to the basis of Alchemy which is composed of three transformations: an interior transformation, an exterior elemental transformation of matter, and a transformation of time itself.
While the mind archetypes seem to tell a story of the individual who begins to desire to learn more about themself (Magician) that culminates in achieving a balanced mind (the Matrix of the Body - Justice). The Body archetypes appear to tell the story of the adept, now with a balanced foundation, seeking to simultaneously achieve an interior transformation of the will and an exterior elemental transformation of matter.
The transformation culminates in the "death of the will" - or more specifically, the transformation of the will into one controlled by the higher.
The elemental transformation of matter is the result of this interior transformation. It is the literal action of biasing probability to be aligned with the Divine. To be outside linear time. The rules of the Matrix no longer apply to one who exemplifies the Great Way of the Body.
The Alchemist in Tarot is pictured with an eight rayed star behind the head of the adept, symbolizing the first stage of the Great Work, the interior transformation. The last step of the Great Work is the transformation of time.
I have found the Mantrem of the Will to be helpful in understanding the archetypes.
"The human will (1), enlightened by Science (2), and manifested by Action (3), creates the Realization (4), of a power which it uses or abuses according to good or bad Inspiration (5), in the circle which has been traced for it by the laws of universal order. After having surmounted the Trial (6), which has been imposed by Divine Wisdom, he will enter by his Victory (7), into possession of the work it has created, and establishing his Equilibrium (8), upon the axis of Prudence (9), he will rule the oscillations of Fortune (10).
The Force (11), of man, sanctified by Sacrifice (12), which is the voluntary offer of himself upon the altar of devotion or expiation, triumphs over death. This divine Transformation (13), raises him beyond the tomb into the serene region of infinite progress and opposes the reality of Initiative (14), to the eternal falsehood of Fatality (15). The course of time is marked by Ruins (16), but beyond every ruin one sees reappear the dawn of Hope (17), or the twilight of Deception (18).
Every will that lets itself be governed by the instincts of the flesh abdicated its liberty and is bound to the Expiation (22), of its errors. On the contrary, every will which unites itself to Diety in order to manifest truth and work justice, enters even in this life, into participation of divine power over beings and things, Recompense (21), eternal of Freed Spirits (0)."
I have checked out your previous videos. I loved the video about the energy centers btw.
While I found what you have written very interesting, the school I attend teaches the Tarot that follow nearly flawlessly with the instruction that was given to Don by Ra.
Also, is the inclusion of the Hebrew alphabet deepening the study quite substantially.
The Magician, I feel does not signify human will as there is no true human will IMO. It is my earnest belief that all movement comes from the will of ADNI (Adonai), God or what have you. The Power comes not from ourselves, as it originated from that which was not manifested, Limitless Light. There is nothing outside of, or apart from The Creator. Just like there is no-thing outside of us. Therefore, our thoughts on this may differ.
In simple form, I also feel that The High Priestess is Memory and goes to tell us what the Akasha is (her scroll), how to access it and she represents duplication.....I won't bore anyone with all 22 Archetypes. Your study sounds very interesting. Like I said, I really loved your video on the energy centers. I will sub your channel. Thank you