05-18-2009, 03:30 PM
(05-18-2009, 12:04 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: entitled "Upcoming 4D Harvest... Will I be able to keep my guitars?"
That is so cute!!! I'm not tempted to go look up the thread, but the title alone made my day. Actually, as a musician I can sympathize - my instrument has been invaluable in my spiritual development and ongoing awakening. Music allows a glimpse into a different world, much more telepathy-driven and closer to "home". As a violinist I regularly play instruments that are hundreds of years old, and in a way they have a life of their own. I trust that if they will be needed, they will still be around, just as I trust that if I am needed, I will still be around.
Would the 3D mind explode? If the mind can't handle the transition, it just might be handed the opportunity to repeat the grade. The transition in itself will hardly be gradual, whether it happens at a specific date for all of us, or spread out over a longer period of time. Whichever it is, I'm looking forward to it, and am trying to enjoy the ride while I'm still here.