02-05-2021, 09:57 AM
In response to zedro, I found some interesting comments which support your own:
Quote:”The forces of change which result in physical death are inimical only because we misunderstand and fear them. They are forces connected with reproduction, and by right use of imagination they may be tamed and transformed, so that they can be utilized for indefinite prolongation of physical existence. Death, like every other event in human life, is a manifestation of law. When we understand the law we can direct the forces of change so as to overcome death. Yet understanding never will be ours until fear, not only of dying, but of death itself, has been overcome by right knowledge, and by right interpretation of the phenomena of physical dissolution.
It is by death that social changes for the better come to pass. Old ideas pass away with the death of the persons who hold them. New ideas gain currency as the new generation comes to maturity. Thus the actual fact of death is an instrument of progress. And now the time is close at hand when man shall master the secret of death itself.”
—The Tarot by Paul Foster Case