(02-03-2021, 01:53 PM)Bosphorus1982 Wrote: Hi guys. I'd like to ask a question about the Creator. Some say Creator is All That Is; whereas some say Creator is Consciousness. Anyway there is something i don't understand. As our Universe and all other things is formed of Energy, what is the difference between Energy and Consciousness? They are the same thing or they are different? I'd be happy if you could enlighten. Thank you
It's 'easier' to understand, for me at least, to focus on the Infinite aspect of the word Infinite Creator.
As Infinity only equals to Infinity and there could only be one infinity.
Thus any 'finite' (bordered) definition is actually part of the Infinite (borderless / no border).
As for energy, Tesla's said it best.
"“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
-- Tesla
Energy is a form of manifestation while Consciousness is the aspect who experienced the manifestation.
An example: Your body is a form of energy manifestation while consciousness is the aspect who said "This is my body".