02-04-2011, 06:39 PM
Quote:Are you upset about something, brother?Nah, many people crying and suffering, people going hungry, homelessness, etc just because an elite thinks this is "good for us" --even though this planet tends to positiveness ---> green light activation --->4d + which basically means the planet does not approve of negativity
Quote:Now I am confused by your interpretation of free will. Edenic conditions were the choice of earlier sub-logoi, thus there were no free will. Free will enters when "Lucifer & co" enters. So in that picture "Lucifer" is the Free Will. If you live in the world that is Edenic, and everybody are nice and good, how would you know it's good if you experience nothing but?
Stop banging my head man...how is that for free will? Or this: I ask to the negative forces/elite to leave Earth and respect he planet's decision to be 4d + (based on 3d entities consciousness) as per Ra.
Quote:The so called Hidden Hand or his/her Lucifer message appears to have a clear STS message: "No matter what we do just bend over and take it like a...." or "take it/do it and shut up" and things like that.
Quote:I can give you a lot of quotes for the opposite, but since it is a strictly Law of One category I give you the destilled message from them: "Be good to each other. Stay positive. We are your brothers and sisters. We love you very much but in this game we push your buttons. That is spiritually hard for us and we will work that karma off after the Harvest. While here stop looking outside yourself for evil. We handing you the tools. Use them well."
Honestly that is just newspeak for: " be good to each other be positive as we screw you over and over...we love you so much we have to do this but remember it is your fault, the evil is inside you not me....now shut up as I keep trying to enslave all of you but NOW...BE POSITIVE OK?..."
I guess this all has a place at one point but when a planet says "no"...well it is "no".
Adonai and Namasté