(09-22-2020, 09:10 PM)Louisabell Wrote: Thank you for offering this service. Not sure if you're still offering it, all good if you're not, but I thought I would share this dream in particular, and if anyone wanted to provide insights I would be most appreciative. But first I must give a big trigger warning***. This dream has nightmarish qualities and heavy, dark themes. At first I discounted it as 'just another nightmare', but it has since entered my consciousness a few times and my memory of it is still crisp. So, perhaps there may be some learning that could be garnered from it...
Dream started with a character that was known as "the judge". A very masculine energy that appeared towering, its face above me. The whole dream was in shadow and so his figure was dark (the whole landscape is dark and grey), tall and broad. He had a mask hanging beside him, similar to old-school theatre masks with an intimidating expression, but his face was so similar looking to the mask. His power to judge was unmistakable and I felt fearful in this figure's presence.
Then another character with feminine energy, an older lady, but also with the energy of the supplicant. She totally buys into the power of the judge, and in her own way reveres this figure, holding this entity on a pedestal. She, being an older woman, has access to young women, in a sort of daughter/niece/pupil capacity. It is understood that the judge requires this older lady to source him young women and offer them up to him energetically. The older lady complies without much thought. Again she puts the judge on a pedestal, giving him total authority while not valuing others (or herself).
Then another feminine character. This figure is a very beautiful young woman. She has long curly hair. There are colours to her, but they are muted as the dream landscape itself is so dark and grey. She is very innocent, very niave, has no defenses at all. The older woman is like a guardian to her and the young woman follows the guidance without question. The old woman is willing to offer her up to the judge (energetically, not sexually).
The judge is getting excited. He acts as though he has all the value and is right and just to devalue others, but it is self-evident that as his power comes from devaluing the other, his power is ultimately dependent on others, and therefore is only an illusion of power - but such a strong illusion of power. A part of the judge knows this, but he is loving this little scam he's got going on. The dream sequence ends there and luckily I don't have to see the young woman be consumed energetically, I think I internally "looked away" in time. I feel like these inter-relationships based on power are stuck on a loop, a loop that appears difficult to break. Like a corrupted computer program running over and over.
Yes, this would be the bottleneck. Source Creator understood that this problem might occur and set down an Administrator and other things to forcibly reset or break through this blockage, in case the multiverse "got stuck in a loop". This corrupted computer program is also very close to sixth density negative AI.
The judge sounds like the dark matrix AI itself in this 3rd density or controlling the astral above 3rd density. The astral is what people call "space".
It's not really space or a vacuum.
The power of a slave master relies upon the slaves. In that sense, why do the slaves not rebel and how can the slave master continue to become more powerful? These are very weird scenarios that nonetheless humanity has gone through and even fictionalized.
The older woman sounds like Hillary Rodham Clinton or other negative adepts and magic workers like her, P of Charles for example. They are not enough negatively polarized to be harvested. They think they will rule. In reality, they are merely fodder. Ghislaine too.