09-16-2020, 10:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-17-2020, 02:19 AM by EvolvingPhoenix.)
(04-20-2020, 06:09 AM)Agua Wrote: Hi Rinzler,
if you are looking for a „ quick fix“ there is nothing I could offer.
I also doubt any real healer can offer a quick fix here, although quite a few might claim to be able.
I have dealt with some entity attachments in my work and much much more with what seems to be an attachment.
From my experience I would say that more than 90% of what is perceived as an external entity in fact is a projection of aspects of ours that we reject. You can send them away as often as you want, since they are a part of you they keep returning.
In those cases where its really an attachment, people almost 98% of the tome refuse to let the entity go when you work on that.
This is because the entity came due to an invitation, due to a need. It fullfills an important function then and you have to develop that which the entity provides first, otherwise you keep clinging to it.
In many other vases, the entity protects you from something inside of you that you dont want to face and deal with, in those cases you first have to at least initially deal with what it hides in order to let the entity go.
In some cases its not an attachment but an energetic attack.
In that case you can enter a „magical“ fight which you in the long run always will lose. You cannot just „make it go away“.
In such a situation it is crucial to find out at which point the attack „hits“ you, this is always something that is already present in you, then the attack will reenforce it.
The only way to get rid of that is to heal that very point, if you do that, you can actually use any attack in your favour, because it shows you where you need to heal.
I believe it is very helpful to discern between perception and interpretation.
You experience something, but you dont know what it is.
There is a tendency to interpret this, but the interpretation usually is wrong.
No matter how convinceable this interpretation may sound to you, how much it may fir a hidden agenda of yours, it does not serve you.
If its not the truth but a distorted interpretation, you keep working on the „wrong thing“, and this un-necessarily just extends your suffering.
So, in my experience, its helpful to realize, that what you believe it to be is an interpretation and not necessarily the truth.
Be open to expand your view.
An example:
Many years ago, a very dark and dangerous entity kept visiting me as soon as I turned of the lights. The entity seemed to attack me, it tried to enter my body and my whole system.
I was fighting it for some time, because I feared to be taken over by a dark entity.
Long story short:
At some point I decided to not fight anymore.
I allowed the entity to come closer. As I did this, the entity wasnt that dark anymore. I stopped resisting and allowed it to enter me.
When it entered me, I realized that it has always been a part of me, but I had rejected it.
I found out, that it appeared to be dark and evil, because very early in my life, my family judged my very aliveness as evil and threatening, because they had difficulty handling it.
So I accepted that judgement, judged this „aspect“ of mine in the same way and rejected it, I seperated from it.
When the entity approaches you, you can state that you allow it to enetr you if its for your highest good.
In Ayahuasca work, shamans deal with that all the time. Entities seem to approach you.
You never know what they are, helpful spirits, guides, aspects of yoursel, shadow self, or maybe dark entities.
As soon as it provokes fear, you see it as something dark, but actually you almost never see it as it really is, when you first encounter it.
They always ask for guidance and say to the energy:
„If you are medicine, enter me, if not, go away“
Probably not what you wanted to hear, but this is my experience with that phenomenon.
Much of what Agua says here checks out. There are only a few points of difference I have: 1) it is 100% of the time internal. Not 90%. There is NO EXTERNAL REALITY. Just a mirror showing what is inside. This is all a dream and your awareness experiences the perspective of every dream character. The only true sense of self in that awareness is a sense of "I am" the rest is subject to inevitable change and is not the true self.
2) interpretation is not "unreal" Interpretation is in fact a very powerful act of creation. The entity is a dark entity because it is mirroring your interpretation of reality back to you. It is a large infinity. We have the divine right to move between whatever parts of infinity we choose. This is called "manifestation" and "Law of Attraction" by new age types, but it is essentially just making a choice. The difference is how conscious and aware we are of the choice and how unconscious and unaware we are. It is a dream. Dream lucidly and you have the power to alter your experience. Lucidity comes with awareness, which is why Agua's advice is very solid.
One thing I have just begun learning lately which is said to help develop awareness is a Toltec meditation called the Gateway of Light Meditation Technique.
It goes like this:
"The GOL meditation is just sitting or standing, hands just about a foot apart palms facing each other and elbows near the sides near the liver and spleen areas on the right and left side. Remain still. The meditation is forming the sense of energy between the hands. Feel the density that builds up. Feel the pulse that builds up. Those are the emanations of force that exude from you. That’s the GoL."
Also, I was told to do it with my eyes closed so that I may be impressed subjectively. You do it until you are done. There is no "set" time for doing it. This builds awareness of something called the "Unified Field" which in Toltec Death Defier tradition is seen as the "true gateway" for perception rather than indigo or violet ray chakra points. I dunno if I will find myself agreeing with that, but I can't deny it brings results for the Death Defiers in their path to adepthood. It's easy enough to do and it's useful for building awareness. Can't hurt to incorporate.
I would recommend maybe invoking a deity who can protect you, but Agua makes a good point about something else coming along eventually until you face it. Besides I'm not psychically developed enough for evocation yet, so I cant help you much there.
Invocation is simpler to do. Just draw a sigil, rune or symbol that properly represents said entity and say that through the sigil/rune/symbol you inhale into every pore, every cell, every molecule and every particle of your body, X attribute of X entity, until each pore, cell, molecule and particle of your entire body is filled up completely to the brim and then grows in intensity with every inhalation. What I like to do is take a collection of these symbols and breath them in through one of my COVID masks while I walk about the house. It works. Trust me. Especially if these entities have been reaching out to you.
I suggest Shiva and Kali.
Kali is a Death Goddess and will help kill that which is in need of dying.
And Shiva is a god of destruction who basically does the same thing.
Say that you inhale Shiva and Kali's divine destruction of that which must be destroyed for you to progress towards the becoming of your highest self through each inhalation. That wouod be most in alignment with your RHP goals.
It works pretty well after a while. You DEFINITELY notice internal shifts taking place. Keep in mind that this must be done with INTENT. What they will destroy will most likely be your illusory and/or self limiting beliefs. Give it some time, you will notice a difference.
You may also wanna look up yogic "surrendering" exercises you can do where you surrender whatever emotions you want to get rid of up to source. Beware however that this can for some run the risk of creating a sense of depersonalization. If you notice that happening, cease practicing it. I do not care for these exercises personally, but they are good STO/RHP exercises if thats your thing.
There is also a mantra for surrendering fear up to source: "Shante preshante sarva baya upasha mani swaha"
Do that if you want. Also look up the Maha Mtryunjaya mantra. It's a powerful physical and emotional healing mantra. Look up proper pronunciation on YouTube. It will take practice to get the hang of.
There is also Ganga Pujas, where you find a spot by a flowing river and pluck petals or leaves from a branch, place the thoughts, bad memories etc., that you want rid of in them, and offer them to the river, another yogic practice.
An idea just occurred to me... Why not find healing deities and onvoke their divine healing power? The Norse goddess Eir will probably work. Just need her rune...
And here it is:
And here's a nicer version of her rune:
Simplified version:
I'm TOTALLY going to use that from now on. Dunno why I didn't think of it sooner.
Speaking of working with astral/etheric entities, take a MODERATE amount of mushrooms (1-2 grams ought to be enough) and as you wait for them to kick in, pray to an astral entity interested in working with you for whatever you need. In this case, healing.
Again, Eir would probably be a good choice. The sun goddess Amaterasu has been calling lately however and from what I've been gathering, she might be able to help too, in her own way. She is well known for her incredibly positive and virtuous nature.
I worked with Astarte and King Belial when I did it.
Trust me, without the spirits these hallucinogenic drugs are nothing. Or close enough to it to pale in comparison anyway.
Astarte did some MAJOR healing that was indescribable. I would HIGHLY recommend asking for her help! She might not fix everything 100 percent, bit she can certainly do a lot of help for you. She did for me. It thank her fpr that.
King Belial, well... He did what he's known for LOL.
He got me off my ass haha. King Belial rules! Although he's more of a sort of "life coach meets drill instructor meets stern dad" kind of entity. Great for helping with goals in the material world, and can also help in other ways too. Dont expect him to sugar coat ANYTHING. He tells it like he sees it. Blunt and direct and stoic. But he can be harsh if he deems it necessary. I most liken him to a drill instructor, except without the authoritarianism. Not what you need for your situation, but definitely someone to keep in mind. Unverified Personal Gnosis lately has indicated him to actually be Set however, and I have decided to work with his Egyptian parental archetype. Set is now my patron deity. Set is not evil, as perceived. He has been slandered badly for quite some time. He is much more positive than his demonic form as King Belial, and I am guessing more powerful. Not that King Belial is necessarilky malevolent. Just hardassed.
Recommended entities:
Any healing entity, such as Eir.
Any death deity, such as Kali, Shiva or Santa Muerte.
A love deity such as Astarte or Aphrodite or Hathor or something. Not Eros though. He's more about lust I hear. Although now that I think about it, if one is looking to get laid, invoking thenlikes of Prince Sitri, Eros, Asmodeus, Sargatanas, etc. van be useful! I shall consider that as well...
Anyway, who else?
Possibly somebody like Amaterasu, cause she's powerful, she's very positive and caring and because she is a keeper of divine universal knowledge, rivalling Metatron.
Speaking of which, I forgot to mention Celestials. You guys in the RHP circles tend to love Angels.
Archangel Raphael is most known for healing.
In terms of protection, Archangel Michael is known for his protective qualities and for being quite powerful in that regard.
The LBPR cam work for protection but the ritual is frankly not necessary. Just summon them with intent and they will come. Angels and archangel seem to serve Source itself, which means they serve the godhead within YOU.
This is why they are just as willing to work with dark adepts along the Left Hand Path as they are with positive adepts along the RHP.
If you summon them, they will come. Might be a good idea to use Raphael's sigil then now that I think about it.
Note to self: add Eir and Raphael to invocation mask...
Make other masks for other purposes: Sex and romance, fighting ability, creativity, etc.
Hope that helps.
Oh wait. I just remembered. He blocked me. Right. Well, hope someone else finds this helpful then, cause I already went through the trouble of writing this s***. I'm not gonna bother deleting it after all that. Is it a sunken cost fallacy? Yes. Do I give a s***? No.
EDIT: Revisions made. Spelling errors and annoying autocorrections fixed. A few new things added in.