(01-31-2011, 09:14 AM)Crown Wrote: Entities like Nebadon, Lucifer and Satan. Are they from Orion?
The entity which we call the devil, and its' family, are they simply negatively oriented and polarized enitities from the Orion group?
I'm not familiar with Nebadon, but I don't consider the biblical 'devil' ('satan' and other various names) to necessarily be a real entity, but is more of a thought form, intensified by centuries of belief. What Christians call 'satan' is a construct for what they believe to be evil. I don't think there is really a devil with horns named 'Satan' except as a thought form, although there certainly are STS entities, or demons, some of whom are from Orion.
In fact, the early politicians who were running the Christian religion stole the image of the Pagan god Pan, in order to squash the Pagan religions. They took the image of a benevolent being, and superimposed an evil devil. The image stuck and many Christians still believe that there is a 'devil' who looks like Pan! It was totally a political move.
As an aside, here is an excerpt from The Wind in the Willows, chapter 7, which depicts a beautiful encounter with Pan:
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
We know the STS entities exist. Religious texts, having been either written by humans or channeled, and thus having various amounts of distortion, tend to label those STS entities various names to fit the particular flavor of their myth. I consider them all mythological personalities, who may or may not actually exist as entities, but, more likely, be based on archetypal energies. Or, they are simply the religious myth's interpretation of STS entities/energies.
A lot of what Christians attribute to 'Satan' isn't actually STS at all, in our view. This entire website, and everything about the Law of One, would be considered 'satanic' by some. Many fundamentalists are absolutely convinced that anything remotely connected to New Age is from 'satan' which isn't necessarily what we would consider to be from STS entities. So we have to take into consideration that a lot of biases and fears are injected into people's perceptions of mythological characters. In other words, what Christians call 'satan' or 'satanic' isn't necessarily what we would consider STS, and vice versa.
I agree with the other suggestions already made about dealing with negative entities. Love them, thank them for their offer of service, and firmly tell them you don't want their service. They will leave. Remember that they feed on fear. They are serving the Creator in their own way, so their is no reason to fear them. But neither do we have to accept their service. We absolutely can refuse their service.
(01-31-2011, 12:15 PM)unity100 Wrote: you dont need to choose negative to learn about it. you just need to look around.
I agree. Just look around at all that's wrong with this world, and there you have it. Just look at all the violence throughout history. Those who choose the STS path are the perpetrators of pain, fear and violence. The fruits of their labors are plain to see.