05-14-2009, 12:02 PM
Good Greetings:
This is already happening to our Children of the Light. They are already being pumped full of meds, abused, locked up, abandoned because they challenge the social order. This has already come to pass. Now there are dual activated Human Adults who are changing this... Now there are less incidences of this happening on a large scale.
I have children of the Light. They are all full-sensoried children and I treat them as such teaching them how to blend in with the native populations and also teaching them that Densitiy is a state within... We are all going no where for where else would we be but now-here? The kingdom of God is Within. It is simply and complex, apparent and hidden... for this is the state of God-- all that is exists in unity thus it is integrated and become the 3rd form... or Christ Energy.
I wish you well as you journey back to yourSelf.
This is already happening to our Children of the Light. They are already being pumped full of meds, abused, locked up, abandoned because they challenge the social order. This has already come to pass. Now there are dual activated Human Adults who are changing this... Now there are less incidences of this happening on a large scale.
I have children of the Light. They are all full-sensoried children and I treat them as such teaching them how to blend in with the native populations and also teaching them that Densitiy is a state within... We are all going no where for where else would we be but now-here? The kingdom of God is Within. It is simply and complex, apparent and hidden... for this is the state of God-- all that is exists in unity thus it is integrated and become the 3rd form... or Christ Energy.
I wish you well as you journey back to yourSelf.