That part about miracles reminds me of some comments I've read about synchronicity and the attitudes people have about it. It may seem supernatural or paranormal to some people, but from having read so many books on mysticism there were two explanations that made it more apparent to why people seem to encounter more and more coincidences when they begin to meditate. One book described it as a spider's web. a normal person's life on the outer edges doesn't have a lot of intersections. The closer they move to the center the more in line things become. Another book described it as life having many different probable outcomes, but when different possibilities begin to merge and intertwine , coincidences become more common because events you encounter become ordered more tightly and coherently as different potential outcomes of events in people's lives are narrow ed. To a lot of people it would appear that it make no sense to encounter so many coincidences or others would be in extreme denial and say "it's just a coincidence" a dozen times a day to themselves, which in my view hardly makes any sense because the word coincidence means you're acknowledging that events are co-inciding.
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