01-29-2011, 02:48 AM
Hey Jeremy- great post! I'm sorry that I haven't been able to check back here sooner, my illusory reality has been ultra busy lately
viewing each moment as a choice seems to me a good interpretation of RAs quote.
LL, e.

LL, e.
(01-16-2011, 03:07 PM)jeremy6d Wrote:(12-09-2010, 01:57 PM)Eric Wrote: I guess what I'm trying to learn more about here, is how do you go about finding the love in the moment? I think we all have had the experience of having been in a very bad, angry, or otherwise negative situation. Maybe a terribly amplified argument or something on those lines. How do you distill the love there? Or is this more of a metaphysical concept of love as a basic building block of matter, etc?
If any of us knew perfectly how to do this, it's likely we wouldn't be here. We're learning, too.
One way of approaching this is to consider a situation as not having any inherent emotional charge at all, and that all emotions attributed to it are of our own making, whether unconscious or conscious. A given situation is not negative or positive in any ultimate sense per se; it is our reaction to it that makes it one or the other in our minds.
Indeed, those of Ra place emphasis on understanding these emotional charges, if you will, as dualities. You see them juxtapose concepts all the time, as in "male/female" or "teach/learning". So if we can see the negativity, we have the capacity to see the positivity, as the two are a sliding scale of one dynamic and not totally separate concepts.
What I'm suggesting is that understanding that you can have, at minimum, two completely different reactions to a situation means you have a choice. To be conscious of this choice, and to understand that what you choose is of your own making and not "out there" is the real lesson, in my opinion. Because if you can choose, then it all comes down to what you desire. To understand your desire is to penetrate many layers of judgements and constructs we've burdened ourselves with in order to not have to make such powerful choices so often.
So it's not so much that we see the moment containing love in spite of a situation. It's that the situation presents a choice, and that when we practice seeing love in it, we reinforce our power to manifest that. When we practice seeing negativity in it, we reinforce our power to manifest that. Finally, when we can see both options, we can make a choice informed by our genuine desire. I believe a big part of this exercise is to help us get clear on our desire, what we're using our will to manifest.