(01-27-2011, 12:42 PM)Amiyou Wrote: Ok, I'm not quite sure I know what you mean. Putting Ra and wanderers aside for a moment. I am aware that religion has been used to manipulate in many ways. But the point was really that, that section clearly tries to say that collective focused intent practices are pretty much a silly, useless idea. And if quantum physics is saying the opposite is actually the case, then what I was concerned about is still a concern.
It's all very well having a really good physical set up in society that the zeitgeist movement describes, but with that view on spirituality it puts the individual firmly back in place as one who feels disconnected from a higher spiritual understanding of life, and so only concern themselves with the physical ideas of resources etc, and i'd imagine that a society with that belief system would be a very cold and non feeling place. Just my feeling of it anyway.
just think about the opposite case, which is the case today.
the situation today, doesnt say anything regarding any kind of concentrated collective intent. it doesnt make any statements, bar or prevent anything. so, in technicality, you are free to practice whatever concentrated collective intent you wish. there is 'freedom' then.
but, all entities have to struggle for existence in a pyramid hierarchy, with 80% of population being in the lowest poor. they do not have any time to pursue any concentrated intent. collective, or personal. their practice remains at the level of praying to themselves in the still of the night or in their heads, and maybe going occasionally to a communion.
so basically, there is an ascribed freedom, but there is total lack of freedom in respects of the necessities of life.
in the zeitgeist case, there is total liberation from any necessities life may force on an entity through survival needs. the entity does not have to do any particular thing to survive, its mental, physical and spiritual energies are its own to use.
to manifest as anything and manifest anything, one needs to survive first. there is no escaping this. in any density, there will be requisites to survival, either in form of food or energy received or concentration spent. so, entity will always need to survive in a fashion, in order to manifest anything.
that is directly reflected by density arrangement red comes first, orange comes second. so, survival needs to be fulfilled for there to be choice, social interactions, acceptance, expression, co-creation and so on.
in that the approach there may be seen as opening the first 3 chakras. red, orange and yellow, with no conditions and blockages.
manifested spiritualism is not there. naturally, since it begins consciously with green. if the first 3 is open, the possibility for green will be there.