04-22-2020, 05:12 AM
The Daily Q'uote for April 22, 2020
"�We would ask each of you to be aware of this tendency in the human heart toward aggression instead of patience insofar as you are able personally. We would encourage each of you to choose communication over aggression, patience over impatience, love over fear, and hope over exclusion.
What you as a person do may seem to begin and end within yourself. But we say to you that you act not only for yourself but for humankind. The choices that you make, if made purely and with conscious intention, can change the world.
Yes, you are that powerful, that magical, and that influential! �Begin this day, then, to live with care, patience and love, being consciously aware that you stand for Earth this day, not only for yourself. Do not let this concern you or weigh you down. But know that your choices truly make a difference."
"�We would ask each of you to be aware of this tendency in the human heart toward aggression instead of patience insofar as you are able personally. We would encourage each of you to choose communication over aggression, patience over impatience, love over fear, and hope over exclusion.
What you as a person do may seem to begin and end within yourself. But we say to you that you act not only for yourself but for humankind. The choices that you make, if made purely and with conscious intention, can change the world.
Yes, you are that powerful, that magical, and that influential! �Begin this day, then, to live with care, patience and love, being consciously aware that you stand for Earth this day, not only for yourself. Do not let this concern you or weigh you down. But know that your choices truly make a difference."