02-20-2020, 12:18 PM
(01-26-2020, 11:03 PM)meadow-foreigner Wrote: Hey Jim, I read your story a few days ago and, honestly, I'm happy to know there are people like you out there who, in spite of adversities, are creating beauty from them.
You seem to be overthinking a bit about this whole "is my walk-in really 6d or not" and some other details that, from my perspective, are trivial if you consider the grander picture.
Why don't you apply Pascal's Wager in this and also to other similar dilemmas you might bump into?
Why bother trying to get assurance that you 'are' a wanderer, a this, a that and just live as if you actually were? If you're right and your suspicion is indeed correct, well, you'll be well on your way. If your suspicion is false, say you're no wanderer, you're 'just' some 3~4d being - well, by acting 'as if' you create a self-fulfilling prophecy and by using the inherent creative principle that all of us have, you consciously tailor your own destiny.
For me, at least, whenever I'm stricken with an intellectual doubt about something, I use this trump card and act 'as if', betting on the positive outcome, because even if what I thought wasn't technically true in principle, it turns out to be throughout my attitude and my creation and my actions.
Be blessed, dear friend.
Greetings m-f,
Thanks for your kind words.
That's pretty much the approach I've taken for a long time.
I would say that it is almost certainly likely that I will not know in this lifetime exactly what Density I / we originate from and don't spend much time thinking about it these days.
Although the possibility of evolving to 6th Density after this incarnation still excites me.
I do know however that I am not this physical body and have had numerous vague insights over the years that seem to me confirm Q'uo's claim that there are two of us in this body.
My life is making much more sense now that I'm achieving my musical goals, which contributes to the fading way of previous obsessions about my Spiritual origins.
L & L