01-19-2011, 12:37 AM
I remember reading about a psychologist who painted a the change room of the home football team red, and the change room of the visiting football team sky blue, I think it was in an american univeristy in the 60's, not sure. The result was the home team was more aggressive and the visiting team was less aggressive and a rule was made that all change rooms have to be painted the same colour. These are the most obvious examples of colour affecting the psychology of all humans because red is the colour of blood which probably triggers some genetic memories from ancestors who hunted. And its hard not to be happier than you would have been when its a sunny day with little or no clouds in the blue sky. I don't think your interpretations of the colours would apply to all people, I do agree with most of them but only because I read The Law of One, so If I see indigo I think of the 6th chakra, but when most people see indigo I have no idea what the effect would be, perhaps there wouldn't be any universal effect of colours on people other than red making people more aggressive and nature-related colours like blue and green making people more calm. Maybe you could look up some studies on this psychology journals.