11-29-2019, 06:11 AM
(11-29-2019, 05:24 AM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: I stumbled upon this, on page 48, looking around to see what's in this thread:
(07-23-2012, 08:39 AM)Confused Wrote: This post is for all those dear souls who take the time to check out this rambling thread, the so called The mysterious nature of time.
Time, for me, signified the ultimate mystery of existence, given how the past and its events has affected the present and how the present affects the future. The nature of time, I believe, is intimately connected with the concept of free will and to the general fear of the future that most humans possess, on this plane. This was brought home to me by the following very interesting and extremely cryptic quotes (for me) --
I've been thinking about various of the things you wrote back in 2012. Nice collection of quotes.
Below, in two parts, various thoughts that have been on my mind. May as well write it down somewhere, and why not here for a start?
The Logos and the nature of it all
There's two basic, very different explanations of "why?" for the world we live in, with its veiling and misunderstanding, why people are distracted and spiritually asleep, engaging in transient matters life after life while the sinkhole of indifference deepens and wars and suffering goes on.
One idea, that offered by Ra, is that of a Logos experimenting, trying something which happens here, but not everywhere else (or not even in most places): a greater veiling and separation between higher and lower awareness and focus, to encourage a more vivid and vigorous exploring and growth. It appears on the whole to be a failed experiment, as the picture of the future is that of a small harvest, most of humanity still stuck in the sinkhole of indifference.
A different idea, that offered by the Cassiopaeans, is that this is "The Matrix", into which souls were lured in order to trap them in a system which is designed to make them generate loosh for 4D STS to suck up, through inflicting suffering on one another while staying asleep and repeating the same pattern over and over, unable to learn and grow beyond it. War and loss, including mass madness and forgetting of what has been learned by prior generations, is in this explanation deliberately orchestrated by 4D STS.
The second idea is very appealing as an explanation, because it seems to fit what can be seen on Earth, while with the first idea, the good intentions behind the experiment are not possible to witness from this end of the veil. I'm not sure whether the full picture corresponds to either; it could be that Ra emphasized the elements agreeable to the 3D group spoken to, and that the Cassiopaeans zoom in on the negative elements of this world clearly in order to then offer a tainted solution.
A third type of explanation, that found in e.g. the Gnosis books of Boris Mouravieff, is a multi-dimensional view of the cosmos, where "God" or "the Absolute" has three distinct shapes at three distinct levels above this physical world, in a cosmos which branches out like a recursive definition, from unity, to higher planes, to individual beings, to inanimate matter.
The difference between that and Ra's view is that negativity enters at the level of the "Absolute III", in a way which corresponds to this world being closer to 4D STS than to 4D STO. In other words, this world is an example of a world which has branched out positively once, and then negatively after, leading to a physical world more negative than positive in its appearances; a world where life eats life in order to sustain itself, and proceeds in an ugly way by nature.
In such a world, the highest is pure, but difficult to access; the intermediate, further from the physical, is mixed-up and muddy, and those who truly develop may do so either positively or negatively. The physical is more negative than positive, while the opposite type of physical world is metaphorically more like the Christian Garden of Eden.
The "Absolute III", relative to where we are, has a "satanic" nature according to Mouravieff, while in more purely positive worlds, a different "Absolute III" of the opposite nature would be the more immediate Logos above. Regardless, the "Absolute II", several steps up in consciousness, is purely positive in its nature. (The opposite case for the "Absolute II" may correspond to the extremely negative worlds beyond our imagination referred to by Ra in a few places, the high-security spiritual prisons into which 5D STS would like to lure souls.)
Dimensions of time
Regarding the nature of time, the idea of multidimensional time was explored by Don Elkins - time as three-dimensional, together with three dimensional space, for six dimensions of space and time. P. D. Ouspensky, close to the time when World War I broke out, had similar ideas, but on a foundation which first developed from and then diverged from Theosophy.
Ouspensky's idea is that the first dimension of time is forward movement, as experienced; the second dimension, the infinite range of possibilities; the third dimension, an infinite line there to give "space" for infinite variations of developments to play out.
We can only "see" one dimension of time and think about the second and third, i.e. possibilities and alternative realities. But Ouspensky reasons by analogy and comes to the idea that for "higher-dimensional beings", one or more dimension of time may turn into dimensions of space, making the reality seen in space more complete and limiting time to the part of reality not encompassed by the more immediate awareness of the being.
Thank you very much for visiting, Asolsutsesvyl.
I hold on to the Law of One and the words of Ra as my only source of spiritual education. I gain, whatever little insights my brain can access, from the intricate words of Ra. As much as it illuminated me, the words also cast a veil of cynicism or pessimism on my entire being regarding the Creator and the nature and processes of creation.
I now try going about my spiritual life quietly and without much ado, for, at multiple junctions, it feels all is futile. May all beings be free of pain someday. Thank you.