(09-29-2019, 10:42 PM)Diana Wrote: I have a tendency to think once certain talents have been opened, for example, artistic ability, that that open channel will remain accessible. Physical characteristics, and physical abilities I would think are transient in nature as physicality is, and more prone to be planned for in accordance with the life blueprint.
But more than this, if you think in a 4D fashion, and consider that lifetimes are not strung out in linear time, but happening vertically or simultaneously, then all lifetimes and experiences and existences would be happening and evolving together like a soup with many ingredients. Therefore, anything developed in this life would affect all the other lives and existences; hence, progression and evolution would not only be multidimensional but the past and future would change as this life changes. In addition, any other parts of self—future or past life as regarded in linear time—would be accessible though not in focus here. In other words, if you developed a strong physical body in a past life, or musical talent, or whatever lessons learned in another part of self living in the past or future, these could be accessed and "taken into" this life with the correct focus. I remember reading something like that in the Seth material—something to the effect that if one is ill with disease in this life, one could access another life where one was really healthy and learn from this how to heal oneself.
Thank you Diana, which brings me to my favorite theme of creation: Deterministic vs Non-deterministic character.
For me at least, Ra made it clear enough Creation is Non-deterministic fundamentally, and no two entities in creation (including different octaves) are ever identical. However Logos have sets of common features which are deployed in their creation at galaxy level, which then Sub-logos take over and continue diversification at stellar and planetary levels (See violence for all Earth originated species). All those diversification give each entities the unique set of initial talents related to creation.
I agree with you Diana some talents are part of our legacy features which are acquired during various experiencing and then become part of our persona. As you said one child which was a good pianist in previous incarnation will be talented at learning piano in the new incarnation if he/she ever has a chance to know what that instrument is. But is also possible that a child made talented by Logos will be able to become a great pianist eventually in one of his lives when he/she has a chance to learn piano and could become even greater at piano playing than another pianist which was pianist in a previous life but was not very talented at it from the initial creation. I do not believe every entity created by every logos is able to be a great pianist only some of them. Some entities might not even have what it takes to use a piano. The overwhelming part of creation will never know what a piano is.
Regarding the higher self and the multiple parallel space/time lines that make our existence I still believe there is a sort of Non-deterministic beginning which make each of us unique at any point in creation.
The point is at the end of Creation each Higher Self will produce an unique Complex Totality which draw its uniqueness in the original creation from Logos and no matter how the incarnation conditions will be chosen this will never result in two complex totalities becoming identical.
Which means at macro creationist scale someones predispositions for STO or STS could be designed fundamentally by Logos.
In conclusion if we do not like ourselves much maybe it's time to start doing so considering there is a good chance we might be stuck with ourselves more than we would like to for the rest of Creation.