09-11-2019, 10:13 PM
(09-11-2019, 02:48 PM)ttwagneriii Wrote: I cycle with regard to my systems of mind/body/spirit and this helps me to make progress when I am stalled out. It is unrealistic to maintain 100% effort at all times, so I, intentionally or not, will vary my efforts and involvement.
For example: I work out. Every 8-12 weeks, I'll take a week or more off, not only to recover, but to lose a little ground so that when I get back at it, I can make some progress. I start to feel a little soft and that motivates me. When I get back at, I am more focused and my work outs feel fresher. I am able to generate intensity a lot easier than if I have been at it hard for a long time already. I do the same thing with my diet. I generally eat very clean, but every now and then, I will intentionally fall off the wagon and eat some crap. I generally don't last more than about 2 days doing this because terrible food drags me down on multiple levels. Bad food does bad things and occasionally re-experiencing this is very motivating. Anyway, when I get back on my nutrition plan, I am much more on point.
I find the same is true with the intensity of my spiritual seeking. Generally, I am trying. Sometimes I am super focused and invigorated. Other times, I'm NOT focused on my spiritual growth because life is sucking up all my time and energy or maybe, at some level, that system just needs a break and it takes it. When I come back around to active seeking, I am more energetic and curious. Ra talked about our biorhythms and that is probably what is going on.
So maybe this person is cycling between STO and STS so that the return to STO is all the more intense and meaningful.
Maybe, across multiple lives, there are larger cycles of a similar nature going on. An entire life or more could just be part of that cycling so that when the path is resumed, it is all the more meaningful.
That is helpful. Perhaps this life wont be the life he remembers permanently and returns to his heart, soul and home density but in a few lives he may be fully back on track. He got quite buried so perhaps any moments of positive polarization, and alignment with his soul is enough to not be swept further into the maelstrom than he was so actually progress.
When you are sinking in the mud, getting out a little at a time and just not sinking further is progress. Thank you for the big picture.