The natural argument always fell short for me personally.
You can definitely argue it's natural to seriously injure or kill someone who upsets you (this is seen both in the animal kingdom and more commonly in earlier human history, especially among the less 'civilized' societies), but as we have evolved we have learned to become better than our seemingly common base violent instincts. I think we've evolved this way because we have a mind, free will, and choice on many matters, including how we treat one another when angry, and including how we treat the environment and 2D other-selves we consume, both in amount of death and the amount of pain caused, as well as weighing and considering our own ability to enjoy life and its social activities around certain forms of diet, and our ability to easily obtain food of a given diet.
If you look at Hatonn's story of evolution from 3D to 4D, it was an evolution of a culture of war and dominion over resources which gave way to see all other selves as brother and sister and sharing food freely even when the world-wide war had ravaged their planet so badly that it seemed everyone the vast majority would die from starvation (I think they said not everyone but nearly everyone). I think you could say it's fairly unnatural (from an animal kingdom perspective) to share food when doing so would make you starve, yet that is the level to which Hatonn evolved to as they reached 4D positive.
In a lot ways, you could argue that the entire story of 3D evolution is evolving from our 2D 'natural' non-polarized distortions (love for pack or tribe, etc) into 3d polarizing choices which then catapults one into 4D.
Just one perspective on a topic that has a variety of perspectives. And I totally respect everyone's opinion, as diet is definitely a personal choice. On a side note, I may experiment back to gluten-free vegetarian from veganism (going on 5 years) since my gluten-sensitivity that I had a decade ago has returned with a vengeance, and gluten-free vegan in this rural place I live and work atm is just too hard for me personally. We'll see.
You can definitely argue it's natural to seriously injure or kill someone who upsets you (this is seen both in the animal kingdom and more commonly in earlier human history, especially among the less 'civilized' societies), but as we have evolved we have learned to become better than our seemingly common base violent instincts. I think we've evolved this way because we have a mind, free will, and choice on many matters, including how we treat one another when angry, and including how we treat the environment and 2D other-selves we consume, both in amount of death and the amount of pain caused, as well as weighing and considering our own ability to enjoy life and its social activities around certain forms of diet, and our ability to easily obtain food of a given diet.
If you look at Hatonn's story of evolution from 3D to 4D, it was an evolution of a culture of war and dominion over resources which gave way to see all other selves as brother and sister and sharing food freely even when the world-wide war had ravaged their planet so badly that it seemed everyone the vast majority would die from starvation (I think they said not everyone but nearly everyone). I think you could say it's fairly unnatural (from an animal kingdom perspective) to share food when doing so would make you starve, yet that is the level to which Hatonn evolved to as they reached 4D positive.
In a lot ways, you could argue that the entire story of 3D evolution is evolving from our 2D 'natural' non-polarized distortions (love for pack or tribe, etc) into 3d polarizing choices which then catapults one into 4D.
Just one perspective on a topic that has a variety of perspectives. And I totally respect everyone's opinion, as diet is definitely a personal choice. On a side note, I may experiment back to gluten-free vegetarian from veganism (going on 5 years) since my gluten-sensitivity that I had a decade ago has returned with a vengeance, and gluten-free vegan in this rural place I live and work atm is just too hard for me personally. We'll see.