05-22-2019, 05:31 AM
Years ago my wife and I bought a house in the small town where we live. It has a larger than average back yard. There were no trees, and half the yard grew weeds then. So now we have grass in the front and half the back to blend in with the neighbors. The other half of the back where the weeds grew I planted with a variety of small trees that are now grown. We live in a fairly dry climate, and I have never been successful with growing vegetables. My wife smiles when I tell her I’m going to sit for a while in our tiny forest. I find sitting among the trees to be very calming and delightful. We have two bunny, and three squirrel friends this year and several kinds of birds.
Yes, I agree that if any person can promote wildlife of any kind (I consider trees and bushes to be wildlife), even in a small patch, it is likely to be to their benefit, as well as to the other critters that choose to live there.
Yes, I agree that if any person can promote wildlife of any kind (I consider trees and bushes to be wildlife), even in a small patch, it is likely to be to their benefit, as well as to the other critters that choose to live there.