05-12-2019, 06:09 AM
Why do women not work in construction, garbage pickup, sewer cleaning? Is it that they're not allowed? Or they simply do not want to. There are a lot of dirty work women simply will not want part in. Just like some women do want to be dependant on the male for income while they remain pretty. - this is not a stigma, it is what some women actually want. You dislike it, but that's how it is, our society is a sick one, money, pleasure, greed, you name it, people will abuse everything that they can to benefit themselves, women and men. So you can imagine how some women may abuse the feminist movement in such a way. Some job places pay women less, or don't hire women, and that workplace is responsible for such inequality, not men against women. Just like some work places hire only the friends and family members of the workers, it's inequality throughout all people. Some countries, religious countries, actually still have inequality for women, that should be our main focus with the movement. And not men spreading theirs legs in a bus. Or what some guy said that doesn't represent me.