03-02-2019, 02:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2019, 01:23 AM by redchartreuse.)
(03-02-2019, 01:00 AM)flofrog Wrote: I could be so wrong but if I think about this, I see this from the Logos as perhaps in fact an act of compassion as wishing to help Earth to get faster, as helping her soul as a planet to get faster to 4th and 5th density considering the damages done to her in third..
Well one objective for us here is to meld our feeling with our intellect, if we wish to reach for understanding. And since compassion lay at the intersection of these, it is certainly a fine place to make a presumption of intent on behalf of the Solar Logos.
However, in considering the outcomes of planetary evolution in this Solar System, the results reported by Ra on Maldek, Mars, and Venus all precede that of our current Earth. The two predominant themes we have here are A. Extreme compassion unchecked by wisdom, resulting in martyrdom and unforeseen consequences contrary to the basic intention, and B. Extreme bellicosity, this being the result of a dearth of both wisdom and compassion, leading to self-destruction.
Our planetary entity, Gaia, would appear to fall under category A. Having offered herself to house these traumatized souls from nearby planets, it would seem the basic idea is that simply loving these souls and welcoming them with open arms would be sufficient to allow them to resume their evolution. Yet again, this did not occur, and the result has been that of placing herself, and all of her inhabitants, in jeopardy of further failed harvests, and potentially, another premature end to the program for evolution.
Certainly, we are in a position of total ignorance as to a number of factors which might solve this puzzle. However, we do have one investigational tool which we may rely upon to make inferences, which is that Hermetic principle referred to previously by both unity100 and myself:
As above, so below.
So then, let's take a good look around us. What do we see? Is there any single unifying attitude that can explain both outcomes, A and B, as we look upon our fellow cohabitants of Earth? Is there any one thing that would explain the development of entities both toward extreme bellicosity and compassion? I believe the answer is yes.
I believe the answer to this is the attitude of fanaticism. An attitude of such blind adherence to a particular ideology or philosophy, that it refuses to acknowledge any evidence to suggest that it might be mistaken. The sort of posturing whereby abject failure to achieve a stated goal is met with a doubling-down, and a perverse insistence in one's own righteousness, even despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
I'm sure you would agree- this type of fanatical attitude can be found spattered all over this beautiful little rock of ours.
We can see it in the religious fanatic, who performs destructive acts in the hopes of martyring itself and finding favor with some psychopathic deity. Or in the military man, who believes in their heart of hearts that world peace will be found with the deployment of more bullets and bombs.
We can see it in the loving parents of a hopeless addict, who enable their child's self-destructive behaviors at the expense of their own health and sanity, and those of other family members, in the mistaken belief that simply loving an addict will cure them of their affliction.
We can see it in partisan politics, where both the Reds and the Blues believe if they could just get "their guy (or girl)" into office, then all our troubles would miraculously be resolved, and that every problem facing society is because of that "other guy" who overturned a policy just before it was about to bear fruit.
We can even see it in the denizens of the sinkhole, who are too busy fanaticising about sports, or fashion, or celebrity gossip, to bother attending to their own spiritual growth to the slightest degree.
We can see it in the so-called "leader of the free world."
Certainly, we can see this. And so let us now apply our Hermetic key in order to get a glimpse into the mind of the Solar Logos. What do we find?
We find this philosophy that maximizing the veil, and thus the distortion of "free-will" shall result in the acceleration of spiritual growth. Except that did not happen... Again... And again. Yet, the reaction to these failed outcomes appears to be this same sort of insistence that we just need to "try again". That, somehow THIS time, it will all work out as planned.
So... How could this be an expression of compassion? Recklessly risking the well-being of entities placed under one's care in order to prove some kind of cosmic point.
This is where I become lost. Yet I also remain willing to be "so wrong" if for nothing else than the alternative is frankly terrifying to me.