(03-01-2019, 05:42 PM)redchartreuse Wrote:(01-11-2019, 10:04 AM)unity100 Wrote:Quote:5. Why can't an entity "interrupt" the red/violet shell on its own behalf? Again, if all is one, why the need for a third-party or special device?
Its like asking why the entity cant just destabilize itself by c*ckblocking its own energy flow by hampering it down below. And its like asking why would one not want to run towards a wall head-first to go to sleep or something like that.
If so, then why would Ra say in 57.6:
This entity requesting such healing will then open the armor of the overall violet/red-ray protective vibratory shield.
Seems pretty clear in the context of the paragraph that it is the MBS complex wishing to be healed that can open its own shield.
Unfortunately, it appears that no further instruction was given, or asked for, as to the mechanism of performing the shield-dropping. I suppose in lieu of specific instructions, we might assume that the focusing of the will, and visualization, would achieve just about any effect desired.
Its because interrupting and opening are different things.
Interruption of the violet ray of another entity happens because there is another entity (healer) which is well balanced and manifesting in higher chakras, likely up to violet ray. (at least temporarily). We are told in the material that a sufficiently balanced entity which is active in higher chakras acts like a portable king's chamber.
King's chamber in the pyramid does the same - it refracts the energy in such a way that there is enough violet to interrupt the violet ray of another entity.
But the entity cant interrupt its own violet ray, since it cannot produce a violet ray flow outside its own flow. Ie, it cannot produce 2 violet ray outflows to have one interrupt the other.
The only way for an entity to interrupt its own violet ray would be gimping himself by blocking lower chakras or in another manner, which would be not only illogical but also unhelpful for healing.
The logic of such healing is, to interrupt the entity's existing violet ray in the existing state in which the entity can go as high as it can in its chakras, while a healer which can feel/sense/imagine the balanced state of the entity can project that balance to the entity to be healed. Then accepting/rejecting is done by the other entity.