01-19-2019, 01:35 PM
I was raised in a pious Catholic family so prayer has always been a natural part of my life. For me prayer is opening myself to God (Creator). Tuning my heart and thoughts to God and also connecting with angels, saints, friends from Confederation, presences who are ready for support. I use some traditional prayers and also the free form prayer. Ra calls traditional formulas "the scalpel" but I think with my own words I can express more authenticaly and sincerely.
In a book called The Way of a Pilgrim I read about a Christian mystical tradition of prayer in a mantra style - hesychasm ("hesychia" means stillness). The goal of a hesychast is ceaseless inner prayer and communion with God. This book incouraged me to pray more. I haven't reached this kind of prayer yet but I pray daily on several occasions either with words or innerly.
In a book called The Way of a Pilgrim I read about a Christian mystical tradition of prayer in a mantra style - hesychasm ("hesychia" means stillness). The goal of a hesychast is ceaseless inner prayer and communion with God. This book incouraged me to pray more. I haven't reached this kind of prayer yet but I pray daily on several occasions either with words or innerly.