thank you blossom too !
I don't know if this will interest anyone, this was how I started to meditate.I was at the time 20 and lived in paris. In paris you have these tiny public gardens nearly in many places. There is like five or six trees, two or three benches a bit of meadow and some small bushes, a small sand pit for toddlers. It is funny because it is surrounded by streets but if you go and sit into one, even a small one, there is definitely a sense of isolation from the city where noises are muffled, it's really awesome. They are called 'square' and the french pronounce it like 'squouare'. So I went to one and sat and closed my eyes and honestly I knew nothing about meditation except sit in silence, I didn't even know about emptying your mind. So I started to listen intently to every noise, the breeze, the rustle of leaves, someone walking on the sand, a car honking, someone talking nearby. That's how I got to live in the moment and it in fact helped stopped the flow of thoughts cause I was so intent to listen on every second, after every second, till it felt like I was becoming time. I was hooked lol
I don't know if this will interest anyone, this was how I started to meditate.I was at the time 20 and lived in paris. In paris you have these tiny public gardens nearly in many places. There is like five or six trees, two or three benches a bit of meadow and some small bushes, a small sand pit for toddlers. It is funny because it is surrounded by streets but if you go and sit into one, even a small one, there is definitely a sense of isolation from the city where noises are muffled, it's really awesome. They are called 'square' and the french pronounce it like 'squouare'. So I went to one and sat and closed my eyes and honestly I knew nothing about meditation except sit in silence, I didn't even know about emptying your mind. So I started to listen intently to every noise, the breeze, the rustle of leaves, someone walking on the sand, a car honking, someone talking nearby. That's how I got to live in the moment and it in fact helped stopped the flow of thoughts cause I was so intent to listen on every second, after every second, till it felt like I was becoming time. I was hooked lol