(10-05-2018, 04:28 PM)4Dsunrise Wrote: What exactly is the act of 'service'? A 3rd density artifact like a car is totally of service to its owner or driver. Just think of a city bus or cab. They're saintly STOs and get to go to 3D heaven right?
There is a misconception that service is about "acts." Sure, acts are a part of it, but far more importantly, STO is about the emotional state or attitude from which we relate to the world around us.
Being kind, compassionate, loving, sincere are all STO "acts", whether or not these states are accompanied by observable behavior.
Any antagonistic emotion towards another - resentment, hate, jealousy, critical judgment/feelings of superiority, intent to use another for one's advantage and their loss - are all STS "acts", whether or not these are expressed in observable behavior.
Psychopaths, for instance, are amazingly skilled at acting STO while harboring STS intent. Their actions are STS-polarizing, regardless of how "helpful" they are being in the moment - because there is a selfish ulterior motive.
Wishing well to the planet, all the people and/or other living beings on it is STO polarizing, even if nary a finger has been lifted to do anything.
And your car, dependable and helpful as it may be, having no intentions behind its "behavior", remains forever in the "sinkhole of indifference" (it doesn't really, that's a joke - but it does not polarize).
Even as you are sitting now and reading this - what polarity is your emotional being vibrating with?
We are human beings, not human doings. The doings are always secondary - although ultimately your STO orientation will strongly pull you to express the motivation/emotion through action, and intention/emotion combined with action is more strongly polarizing.
Hope this clears it up.