09-26-2018, 01:42 PM
I have enjoyed reading David Wilcock’s blog posts for many years. I appreciate having his and other people’s narratives to counteract the story line presented by more STS-oriented sources.
Three recurring themes in David’s blog posts for the last ten or so years:
1. You are about to be rescued
2. The cabal is about to be defeated and it could happen any week
3. Stay tuned for more details
He is an outstanding researcher with a powerful intellect. After reading his blog posts, I sometimes feel more hopeful about the possibility of improvement in society.
Three other reactions to his updates:
1. Obsession with disclosure can pull myself away from focusing on making good choices this day, like – What positive actions will I take today? How will I become more positively oriented today? How can I add to joy, friendliness and peace on earth today? In what ways will I be more loving toward myself and others today?
2. A lot of the disclosure efforts seem to have the goal of getting chronic liars to admit that they lied. To me this feels similar to saying my happiness and progress in life depend on first making chronic liars change.
A transcript of a channeled message on disclosure through Arn Allingham:
3. A third observation on the divine cosmos blog posts is that they feel structured to draw and hold people’s attention on David. Too much of letting my attention be fixated on another fellow traveler’s path takes my attention away from dealing well with what is present in my life today and on my inner guidance.
We already have disclosure of government-ET relations and secret space programs by courageous whistleblowers and writers such as Corey Goode, William Tompkins and Michael Salla. What we don’t have yet is public access to the advanced technologies such as for healing and free energy. Work by David, Stephen Greer and many others is helping to hasten the day when those technologies will be widely available.
Three recurring themes in David’s blog posts for the last ten or so years:
1. You are about to be rescued
2. The cabal is about to be defeated and it could happen any week
3. Stay tuned for more details
He is an outstanding researcher with a powerful intellect. After reading his blog posts, I sometimes feel more hopeful about the possibility of improvement in society.
Three other reactions to his updates:
1. Obsession with disclosure can pull myself away from focusing on making good choices this day, like – What positive actions will I take today? How will I become more positively oriented today? How can I add to joy, friendliness and peace on earth today? In what ways will I be more loving toward myself and others today?
2. A lot of the disclosure efforts seem to have the goal of getting chronic liars to admit that they lied. To me this feels similar to saying my happiness and progress in life depend on first making chronic liars change.
A transcript of a channeled message on disclosure through Arn Allingham:
- Excerpt: "When will disclosure occur? Let me say that it is vanishingly unlikely that your world governments will disclose. At root, the ones that wield the power are completely STS. And to tell the truth about their knowledge of and engagement with extraterrestrial intelligence is tantamount to admitting to all kinds of atrocities committed against humanity and a long-running game of lies and deception. And then, for their efforts, they would immediately lose all the power they so desperately crave as you realise what has really been going on. If they disclose all, you will abandon all their games of . . . money, politics and organised religion. . . “
3. A third observation on the divine cosmos blog posts is that they feel structured to draw and hold people’s attention on David. Too much of letting my attention be fixated on another fellow traveler’s path takes my attention away from dealing well with what is present in my life today and on my inner guidance.
We already have disclosure of government-ET relations and secret space programs by courageous whistleblowers and writers such as Corey Goode, William Tompkins and Michael Salla. What we don’t have yet is public access to the advanced technologies such as for healing and free energy. Work by David, Stephen Greer and many others is helping to hasten the day when those technologies will be widely available.