12-19-2010, 11:48 AM
(12-19-2010, 09:12 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:Here, I'm associating true compassion with understanding - a green ray function. As Ra said - 3rd density is emphatically not the density of understanding and it's necessary to know one does not understand in order to graduate. In the material, their use of the word compassion is invariably from the perspective of the higher densities. When they do speak of compassion within this density, it is as an adept function requiring great practice to enjoy its qualities (i.e. not BE).(12-19-2010, 03:08 AM)zenmaster Wrote: The key to 4th density is "the choice", of course. Has nothing to do with compassion.
How can choosing STO, to the point of at least 51% STO, have nothing to do with compassion? How can one serve others without compassion?
It is natural for people to associate compassion with service here because when we think of selflessness in consideration of another, we think of compassion. Here, "compassion" is basically what we'd call an emotive response (a feeling perceived from the heart). Similarly, what we refer to as our "understanding", that we associate with this compassion, is not really connected to truth. True compassion is not such a shadow, and requires understanding that is not possible here.
"The choice" is a fundamental bias to see others as "going through the dance" as equals, this treatment of "we're in this together" or "we are the co-creators of our experience" necessarily results in service-to-other evaluations.