(12-18-2010, 02:36 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Respect zenmasterThat helps.
Aw man, that was too easy.
Although, wouldn't it be ironic if we got so good at debunking that we miss the real ones?
I find footage like this much more plausible than the videos, which are so easily faked:
NOT saying this is real. I have no idea if it is or not. It's just one I found. What I'm saying is that, interviews with whistleblowers seem more plausible, because they lack the sensationalism of actual video footage.
Hoaxers have much more fun designing fake aliens. Interviews that sound even halfway plausible and realistic take a lot more skill.
The more I think about the video of the guy with the cat, the more I think his reaction wasn't realistic. He wouldn't have gone running into the bushes, then said, "Oh that's me" about his shadow. It's obvious he said that for the benefit of the viewers. Too hokey.