12-17-2010, 02:00 PM
Thank you, Monica. We usually do not go out for New Year's Eve as it is usually -20F or lower here. We just stay home and invite a few close friends who also have kids--- drink mimosas, watch the ball drop in NYC on line, and play board games with the kids. Tell funny stories and open poppers. ---Oh, and we also make silly and funny hats to wear all night long. The hats are a loooong art project with lots of glue, glitter, and plastic jewels as well as paint and feathers. It is a lot of fun!
Before the local Chinese restaurant closes, we order take out Chinese food (enough to eat on New Year's eve and for Lunch and Dinner for New Year's Day. We are always sure to request extra fortune cookies. The kids find these very funny as they do not understand the "fortunes" that they get in the cookie. Later, when the kids are in bed--- The adults joke about the fortunes in the fortune cookies. Usually our guests just crash at our place. On New Year's Day, I make orange-lemon raisin scones and we drink lots of coffee.... LOL Then around 11 am, our guests go home and some choose to drive to the Beach with us. We all go to the beach, walk on the seawall and if it is warm enough we take a quick beach stroll. One year we went to the Beach during a gently falling snow storm. The silence was incredible on marked by the sounds of beach rocks jostling against each other and rolling against the sand as the waves crashed in and receded out. The amazing Grace of Living Life.
We live in a NE state that lets anyone buy fireworks. (We do not) but everyone around us does. So at midnight, from the comfort of our home (where it is warm and dry and comfortable) we turn out all the lights and watch the fireworks shows going off all around us. ( Yes, I am talking the really big Kaboom high in the sky fireworks... LOL). When we first moved to the town we live in we thought people were shooting off their shotguns... and then we realized we were not in Maine anymore! LOL
Before the local Chinese restaurant closes, we order take out Chinese food (enough to eat on New Year's eve and for Lunch and Dinner for New Year's Day. We are always sure to request extra fortune cookies. The kids find these very funny as they do not understand the "fortunes" that they get in the cookie. Later, when the kids are in bed--- The adults joke about the fortunes in the fortune cookies. Usually our guests just crash at our place. On New Year's Day, I make orange-lemon raisin scones and we drink lots of coffee.... LOL Then around 11 am, our guests go home and some choose to drive to the Beach with us. We all go to the beach, walk on the seawall and if it is warm enough we take a quick beach stroll. One year we went to the Beach during a gently falling snow storm. The silence was incredible on marked by the sounds of beach rocks jostling against each other and rolling against the sand as the waves crashed in and receded out. The amazing Grace of Living Life.
We live in a NE state that lets anyone buy fireworks. (We do not) but everyone around us does. So at midnight, from the comfort of our home (where it is warm and dry and comfortable) we turn out all the lights and watch the fireworks shows going off all around us. ( Yes, I am talking the really big Kaboom high in the sky fireworks... LOL). When we first moved to the town we live in we thought people were shooting off their shotguns... and then we realized we were not in Maine anymore! LOL