12-16-2010, 01:31 AM
If everything happens for a reason...providing someone with a learning experience (by it you or another)....isnt that based on love, the building blocks of something being 'needed' (having a reasons behind it) is based on 'love'.
My son may not think I grounded him for 2 weeks is based on love..and he may not think that its needed that he looses his phone and tv for 2 weeks and he may even feel hate and anger about it...but what I am giving him is needed, it has reasons behind it...its based in love.
The world has a lot of suffering in it right now...but isnt this suffering needed if we are to learn that we can do more, sacrifice and offer more to others then taking too much for a chosen few? Isnt it ironically based on a 'need, a reason'...and if there is a reason for it...the reason is to catalyze us in growth and awareness....isnt it still based in love for the betterment of something in the end?
As hard as it is to find the understanding that suffering is needed....tough love is sometimes the hardest love to see.
Someone may hurt you...and to you, that is not love. But your forgiveness to those that know not what they do or why they do it....is love that will help them stand when they review their life.
If you dont see love in the situation....bring it to the situation.
My son may not think I grounded him for 2 weeks is based on love..and he may not think that its needed that he looses his phone and tv for 2 weeks and he may even feel hate and anger about it...but what I am giving him is needed, it has reasons behind it...its based in love.
The world has a lot of suffering in it right now...but isnt this suffering needed if we are to learn that we can do more, sacrifice and offer more to others then taking too much for a chosen few? Isnt it ironically based on a 'need, a reason'...and if there is a reason for it...the reason is to catalyze us in growth and awareness....isnt it still based in love for the betterment of something in the end?
As hard as it is to find the understanding that suffering is needed....tough love is sometimes the hardest love to see.
Someone may hurt you...and to you, that is not love. But your forgiveness to those that know not what they do or why they do it....is love that will help them stand when they review their life.
If you dont see love in the situation....bring it to the situation.