(07-12-2018, 09:26 PM)peregrine Wrote:Diana Wrote:The idea that we are all just a piece of something to which we must acquiesce does not take into consideration evolution and growth—of everything infinitely—unless you want to see this existence as nothing but finite slavery.
Now, please stop me, Diana, if I'm wrong about this, but it sounds to me like you're pushing back against an implied dis-topian construct where everyone drinks the Q'uol-aid and becomes mushy in their communal acceptance, unable to distinguish themselves because their personal drives have essentially been neutered.
LOL! That's hilariously put.
(07-12-2018, 09:26 PM)peregrine Wrote: I don't get that vibe from the Q'uo passage. I hear them saying that one ought not get worked up about the status of your work, but about the quality of it. It's about accepting and working with what's in front of you right now to "deal" with because this--we suppose--reflects what that dis-incarnate aspect of you wanted you to accept and work with in this incarnation. They're advising, pay attention to the lessons involved, not to the worldly value of the cards you happen to be holding . What are the lessons?
In a way, I do agree with what you say. The lessons, the reveal, the underlying evolutionary path, is important, as opposed to the human drama. But the human drama and authentic individual expression are two different things. I'm not sure I will be able to articulate clearly my perspective but I will try.
I do think, referring to your comment above—"drinks the Q'uol-aid and becomes mushy in their communal acceptance"—that this is close to what I mean. Let me propose two scenarios:
1. An individual accepts and embraces the idea that she is "one with the Creator," that she is perfect as is, that she needs to do no particular thing here in 3D, that to find love in every situation is the only goal. She lets go of any striving to do something unique to herself in lieu of just being a light. This individual is musically inclined and has a talent for writing songs. But there is little drive to express the music within her because she is perfect as is etc., and goes about her life singing and writing perhaps, but not putting any undue importance on it.
There is nothing WRONG with this trajectory, but yes, I do see it as insipid, and maybe not being accountable to the authenticity of self—which in my mind would be a primary, if not the only, responsibility.
There is also a possibility that this individual, like religious people, just follows a doctrine such as the one we are discussing, without question. It can be such a relief, right? Just stop striving in life, "let go and let God" as they say, just be, accept, etc. Whoo, what a relief!
2. This individual accepts and embraces the idea that she is part of something greater than this 3D existence, and just "being" is not enough for her. Nor does she follow anything, though she is interested in truth and the underlying workings of existence. Because of her openness to what lies beyond the human drama, while being in it physically, she is able to channel creative expression in a big way. She sees the suffering here, the beauty, she glimpses deep cosmological connections as artists sometimes do even though they may not even know what they glimpsed. She accepts her inner drive to express herself musically. She feels it is really important, and she responds to this drive with enthusiasm. She writes, and produces, songs that touch many people.
The power of music is undeniable, but somebody needs to create it.
In this way, accepting the authenticity of self and taking responsibility for that authenticity, she adds light to the world. People who listen to her music shed tears, expand, grow, feel the connectedness of all things, as is often the case when resonating with certain songs. Maybe it's just adding light in a different way than "just being and accepting," but there is the idea of authenticity of self beyond the ego, beyond the human drama, and following through with individual expression.
I think words are at fault here, because words don't reveal the nuances of these concepts. I feel that within the LOO, and the Ra material, and especially the related channelings, much of what is conveyed gets too narrowly interpreted. "All is well" and "you are perfect as you are" are concepts that are too deep for most people to grasp in my opinion. I have hung out with many new-agers who spout these concepts without having a clue what it means beyond giving them an excuse to enjoy their wealth and not care about the poor beyond lip service. This is an extreme example, but there can be an element of copout involved in believing all is well. I think this is one reason why those of Ra were so very cautious about what they said.
I disagree that it doesn't matter what you do here. Carla, Don, and Jim embraced their individual expressions. According to Ra, it does not seem as though they thought what they did here didn't matter, even if they only touched one person.
(07-12-2018, 02:47 PM)rva_jeremy Wrote: It's not simply about surrendering to a mysterious impersonal all. It's also about fully embracing the mysterious and quite personal self, which is the repository of potential for all that evolution and growth in the first place. Much of the work of acceptance is in counteracting the active and passive rejection we have put in place; not only do I not think about it as merely the impersonal sacrifice of one's particularity, I'm not sure it's a sacrifice at all, since in order to become one, you must not lose any, including yourself! I imagine in accepting everything as self, you're not losing any part of yourself as much as you're releasing that exclusive kind of personal attachment to them that feels like "you" in this life. It is quite astounding to start thinking of our individual, limited identities as not something that expands so much as something we stop overemphasizing within ourselves.
Really well put, Jeremy. I always enjoy your ability to articulate difficult concepts succinctly. This is in line with my thoughts. It's not about denying anything; rather, it's about discovering the core self, while at the same time evolving past the limited identities (what I call the human drama, and labeling, etc.).