12-15-2010, 06:34 AM
(12-14-2010, 09:47 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Historically, "Disclosure" was to be a function of the govt. It is not unreasonable to assume that govt also understands the can-of-worms chaos that would ensure if they "admitted" something on the subject. So anything the govt knows on the subject would be difficult, if not impossible to relate to the masses without huge problems. Logically, due to the presuppositions, it will prob not happen from any govt. that wants a peaceful citizenry.
Really? When the polls state that 80% of the population already believes this anyway? I think your argument might have been true in the 50's. But a lot has changed.
Also I remind you guys that already about 6 governments have disclosed massive amounts of information. Basically stating "Yes this is real" and we don't see any panic or riots. Among these countries are some traditionally very catholic countries. The churches are not emptying.
You could describe the public reaction on the whole as surprisingly uninterested. People these days don't panic or get excited until they're told to panic or get excited. They simply don't have a frame of reference for this. Nobody told them how to respond.
And that's what I think will happen. Unless the media jumps on the disclosure bandwagon we're not going to see any response from the larger population at all. Sad but true.