05-19-2018, 10:48 AM
(05-19-2018, 05:43 AM)Agua Wrote:(05-17-2018, 07:28 PM)Heart4 Wrote: Is the 'one infinite' a mind? Because it seems that free will and consciousness only 'activated', so to speak, because of an unconscious bias towards manifesting the infinite through the instinctual original desire, which was also unaware of itself. So it would seem that the creator had some ambiguous mind in itself, and that would possibly imply that not only can we understand such a mind, but that we can define or identify whether that mind is instrumental to the paradoxes and distortions or whether paradoxes and distortions are instrumental to that mind.
Since my first post has probably not lead to satisfaction, i'll try to add on that a little:
Every little "thing" you are looking for is INSIDE of you!
There is nothing to be found outside of you!
Everything you see outside is, in a way, a projected illusion of what you/we are inside.
So, if you are seeking deep understanding and " knowledge", you have to seek within, you have to investigate your self!
I'll try to explain, why i think you progress much faster when you give up to conventrate on intellectual undrstanding:
You ask if the creator can be defined.
What is defining?
One could say, defining is the describing of certain qualities something or someone has while at the same time EXCLUDING what it is NOT!
The creator is EVERYTHING! Everything there is, there was and ever will be. Everything that exists as well as everything that does not exist.
So by defining you EXCLUDE something of EVERYTHING, which quite logically implies, every definition of the creator MUST be wrong!
At the same time, every definition of the creator is, to a degree, right.
So, considering this, defining the creator is a futile attempt with only wrong understanding as a possible output!
If you want a definition:
The creator is an idiot, it is the absolutely most stupid imagineable idiot you can possibly think of.
That would be a correct definition, since it is something the creator is capable of creating.
At the same time it is completely wrong, since being an idiot is only possible in an illusory seperated and god-denying state of being.
You ask if the creator is a "mind".
I guess in a way one could say that, but with two limitations:
-The creator is much more than a mind.
-Your understanding of "mind".
The very fact that you ask this question implies that you are probably familiar with the intellectual mind only.
The intellectual mind is NOT the mind, but only a tiny, little facette of the mind.
It is, in fact, the ego's version of the mind, it is in most humans compulsive and neurotic and thus HEAVILY distorted!
The ego is the false, illusory personality that we identify with, but which is NOT our true self.
The ego is build for creating seperation, seperation from our real self, seperation from god, seperation from everything.
So the intellectual mind is a tool that is only capable of thoughts that seperate.
And it is designed to work INSIDE the illusion of seperation, our 3D world.
Within this illusion, it is very useful.
Outside the illusion is completely useless.
Every single concept or thought that it can possibly come up concerning anything outside the illusion is utterly and completely wrong!
So, in that light and if you equate mind with intellectual mind, the answer would be: the creator is not a mind!
I would suggest a meditation practice.
When you meditate and lets say you can reach a state of non-thought something fascinating will happen:
when you are in a state of non-thought for lets say 10-15 minutes, your consciousness begins to expand more and more. There is no thought and you realize that you still are conscious, you even realize that before you have been completely unconscious.
You begin to experience an intelligence that is infinite greater than what you are used to.
This is where you begin to experience what the MIND, what YOUR MIND really is (as opposed to the intellectual mind).
The intellectual mind, lets compare it to a scissor. You can cut and seperate and divide things with it. But you cannot glue things together with a scissor.
If you cut a piece out of oneness, it is not oneness anymore, it is manyness.
Your intellect might make you believe that you now understand a part of oneness
I guess its clear how ridicoulous that is.
All you can gain is the illusion of understanding oneness, while in fact you are not dealing with oneness at all but with manyness!
When you experience oneness, which is entirely possible, you will realize a few things (in regards to this discussion):
Every imagination, picture, idea, concept you ever had of oneness is completely and utterly wrong!
Every attempt to "understand" oneness did not bring you closer to oneness but in fact pushed you further away from!
And i am sure everybody that has experienced oneness does agree on that!
The experience of oneness does not happen when you have collected enough knowledge, it will happen, when your consciousness is ready for the experience
To give a few hints:
Oneness is HUGE, its infintely huge. It is so huge beyond any imagination, that you might fear to get lost in it.
You will realize that your self perceiption has been completely illusory, and in the presence of that huge, infinite truth, you will absolutely and completely dissolve. You cease to exist.
Your identity will completely collapse.
It is necessary to develop a very stable spiritual "I", because the ego dies in that experience. When you identify completely with your ego, and clinging to the intellect IS an expression of total identification with the ego, your inner self might probably NOT allow such an experience, the threat would be to big.
Increasingly higher states of consciousness are always increasingly stronger in energy.
You can only allow experiences that contain an "amount" of energy you can handle.
Intellectual investigation does NOT prepare you for that, not the slightest!
You might notice that every concept or thought is only an abstraction, it is not the real thing.
Whether you think of the creator or think of a piece of s***, it all is the same amount of energy.
So there is no way this can bring you closer to the real thing.
Even experiencing a tiny partial connection with your higher self (i mean real connection, not a conceptual connection) confronts you with an energy that is so strong that its almost unbearable.
Increasingly deeper spiritual experiences will lead you in increasingly time-less states, oneness is absolutely timeless.
There is only the NOW and everything happens in that NOW.
A serious challenge for intellect based being, isnt it?
For many it is already hard to accept the idea, just the concept, of true simultanity. But experiencing this as the ONLY truth is a different thing!
If you examine your ideas and concepts of the creator, you might realized that they are based on time, since the intellect is based on time. This indicates that all those concepts are completely untrue.
An experience of oneness will lead to the realization, that everything you ever thought you know is not true.
It will completely change your life and there is no way you could go back!
Everything that you have clinged to, everything that gave you security, it all collapses.
The good thing is, there will be infinite deeper knowledge, infinite deeper security.
But only AFTER you have let go of everything!
Are you ready for that?
If not and you really want to "know" start developing what will enable you to make these experiences.
For me, the very first step has been the realization, that my intellect cannot possibly lead me there
I hope that answer was a little more satisfactory!
I would like to add, that words, language, cannot convey the real thing. So everything I said can, at best, only serve as a hint to point to misunderstandings, hopefully to paths that could lead you there.
But still this all has nothing at all to do with the "real thing"
Thats my main message in that post!
P.S.: I forgot to adress the paradoxes. The paradoxes are not in the creator, they are in you (or us). They are a consequence of limiting concepts, beliefs and a limited state of evolution. As you (we) evolve, all paradoxes will little by little dissolve.